I don’t know exactly how it works, nor do I want to: MyProgress.com is a set of powerful Personal Progress Management (PPM) tools with built-in intelligence to automatically observe and analyze all essential aspects of your life. With MyProgress, you can watch your progress and discover your productivity at any period, any time, any place. […]
As if you’re not awesome enough already
100 Great Tips to Improve Your Life. I like #21, but mostly because it sounds like a teaser for the 11 o’clock news.
Remember that old “if it sounds too good to be true” saying? Wasn’t it CRAZY?
Or maybe it wasn’t crazy at all. In fact, does anyone say that anymore? They ought to. Because, if it does, it is. From a press release on the FBI’s web site: The sales pitch was seductive: the young visionary behind Brown Investment Services in Virginia guaranteed investors he would double their money in 30 […]
It is possible something is the matter here. Just as there were deep flaws in the work ecosystems of the caring professions, noticed by researchers in the seventies, it’s possible there’s something wrong with our professional environments—and perhaps, more broadly speaking, our culture of work. Isn’t this worthy of examination? Work, after all, is a […]
Please pass the Hamburger Augmentation Product
A study of UCLA’s Center on Everyday Lives of Families finds that convenience foods aren’t. Which is to say, families relying on so-called “convenience” foods spent as much time preparing dinner as those families who leaned on, e.g., hot dogs and frozen peas. (EurekAlert: “Convenience foods save little time for working families at dinner.” [Aug […]
Water, water, every where… and much of it to drink
Elizabeth Royte, who wrote the charming eco-logue the Tapir’s Morning Bath, does a piece on New York City’s water supply. It’s interesting, both historically and also in the infrastructural how-it-works sort of gee-whiz way. (It also encourages me to move Royte’s book on garbage further up on my to-read list.) (If the NYT can make […]
For the organizationally curious
A periodic table of visualization methods, from venn diagrams and cone trees to Gantt charts and Zwicky(‘s) morphological boxes, and a bundle of other things. (via Cool Tools)
Rant, by Chuck Palahniuk
Chuck Palahniuk ends up telling the same story over and over again in his books. What’s astonishing is how fresh and gut-wrenchingly surprising (sorry) his approaches are. Even in his most tired formulations (sorry, Haunt), it’s still worth reading till the end. It doesn’t hurt that the basic “story” Palahniuk tells over and over again […]
Newsflash: Getting Beat In The Head Is Bad For Your Brain
Seriously, though: apparently boxing, whether amateur or professional, can lead to brain damage. Or might, anyway. This found in a study that looked at amateur boxers for a biochemical marker for brain damage. (The study also looked at soccer players who repeatedly headed the ball, and found none of the biochemical markers. FYI.) (Science Blog: […]
Hot Fuzz (****)
(2007) dir. Edgar Wright – w/ Simon Pegg as the dutifully over-efficient constable, Nick Frost as his bumbling partner in the country, and a slew of other notables: Bill Nighy, Martin Freeman, Edward Woodward–the Equalizer, folks!–, Timothy Dalton as the unctuously murderous supermarket magnate, Cate Blanchett with a mask over her face, and Peter Jackson […]