Let me tell you about my great enormous backlog of links

Going all the way back to mid-February, WorldPress Review carried an interesting story about the US Military’s recruitment schemes, both historical and contemporary. And did you hear about the starquake? Oh. You did. Well, did you hear that women are “less likely to get quality heart attack care,” or that cancer-stricken rats live longer if […]

Strange and Good

Rasterbate this. Using the wonders of modern technology, the Rasterbator takes any image you feed it and turns it into a massive, massive poster that you can print out on your standard printer. To date, it’s rasterized enough images to cover 2.39% of Vatican City. (via WFMU’s Beware of the Blog) Build your own. Read […]

Slow and steady steals the house

Working in broad daylight, waving at passing motorists, two men slowly dismantled a three-bedroom brick house in order to sell it for drug money. (AP: “Thieves make off with three-bedroom brick house” [March 23, 2005])

History of the thingamajig

Wikipedia has an entire entry dedicated to kadigans (which are more reasonably referred to as “placeholder names.”). An entire entry, in other words, dedicated to the doodad, the whatchamacallit, and East Jesus, USA. (via The Morning News)

Rats, of course, have limitations

But they can, through a strict training regimen, learn to distinguish one language from another. Dutch from Japanese, for instance. (NYT: “Is It Dutch? Japanese? Why Not Ask the Rat?” by Nicholas Bakalar [Jan 11, 2005])

Do you know how to file a FOIA request?

No, I didn’t think so. Neither do I. The First Amendment Center has answers, with information on most anything you could want to know about the Freedom of Information Act. (via MeFi)

Around the world in 80 languages

Watching America collects (and, by the looks of things, translates) articles from publications based in different countries around the world, the focus of these articles being America. Seems similar to World Press Review, if somewhat less professional.

Il Dottore

Il Dottore by Ron Felber First things first: as an account of a true story, Il Dottore is fascinating. And it’s obvious that author Ron Felber had a blast writing it. (Seriously, though—who wouldn’t?) But whereas Il Dottore makes gains based on the inherently fascinating story of mob connections, double lives, and what-have-you, it takes […]

When they who can cook, don’t

Where do famous chefs eat when they don’t feel like cooking? The answers here: Mr. Keller says he used to have a weakness for Burger King’s Whopper with extra cheese and French fries, but now that he lives in California, he has switched his allegiance to the cheeseburgers at In-N-Out Burger, with French fries and […]

Crisis Pictures

Crisis Pictures is a non-commercial organization dedicated to building awareness of global crisis areas through pictures. Our goal is to make distant events personal by showing real people living through them.