In what’s the only reasonable course of action, the company that produces the taser (Taser International) has decided to make a civilian-issue model. Which, when you really think about it, is only reasonable. But only if you put too much effort into the thought and neglect common sense. Despite the lingering questions (and lawsuits), Taser […]
Self-esteem as beer
People with high self-esteem claim they are more likable, attractive and have better relationships than others, but these advantages exist mainly in their own minds, the researchers found. ( “FSU study finds self-esteem programs don’t work,” by Jill Elish; originally via Political Animal)
The thoughtful cow worries
Once they were a byword for mindless docility. But cows have a secret mental life in which they bear grudges, nurture friendships and become excited over intellectual challenges, scientists have found. Cows are also capable of feeling strong emotions such as pain, fear and even anxiety—they worry about the future. But if farmers provide the […]
Sleeping in Airports
It’s a little rough around the edges, and probably not something you’ll want to plan your trip around, but the appropriately titled “Budget Traveler’s Guide to Sleeping in Airports” has some handy information.
On Evil
What is evil? Is it something in all of us, or is it limited to the most extreme criminals? These and other questions about “evil” are brought up in a NYT article, but to no avail. (In fairness, evil is relatively hard to unpack in a three-page article. You’ve got your psychiatrists on one side […]
Killer Cars
Not that this should necessarily come as news, but: The [Heart and Stroke] foundation’s first study of urban versus non-urban living shows that car-dependent Canadians are more sedentary and at increased risk of being overweight or obese. (via CBC News: “Cars killing suburban dwellers, heart foundation says” [February 10, 2004])
The price of death
Last week, buried at the bottom of a press release on various management changes, funeral services giant Service Corp. International (SRV) noted that its vice chairman, B.D. Hunter, planned to step down, but would remain on as a consultant. What wasn’t included in the press release (but was in the 8-K the company filed on […]
Of books and movies
The Panopticist has an annotation of the first page of DeLillo’s White Noise which, if it’s the sort of thing you’re in to, is interesting. If not, maybe you’d rather edit your own Psycho shower scene. Yes, the one from the movie. Create your own masterpiece, using the original footage. “All you need is Flash.” […]
Erratic posting
Did you notice? My apologies. The clocklike rigidity of days past is not likely to return for a while. Eh. You’re probably not missing anything. (Also, whether you like it or not, this “new” site design will eventually be changed to reflect the older scheme. It just hasn’t happened yet.)
Various online resources
MCZ Type Database! Well, no, of course you aren’t supposed to know what it means. The MCZ is for Museum of Comparative Zoology (at Harvard), and the database is of insects. This might not warrant mention, if not for the fact that a fair portion of the entries have accompanying photographs. Be sure to check […]