From space

I’m personally not that intrigued by The Gates, but it is interesting to see them from space. (via The Morning News [February 15, 2005])

Look Right

I’d like to draw your attention to the right-hand column of detritus, where, under the heading of blogs, there are two proud additions: WFMU’s Beware of the Blog Lifehacker I’m less excited by Lifehacker than I am by the fact that WFMU (radio station, wacky, Jersey City) has a blog, but both are interesting, and […]

random crap

More lies. The BoGlo has a quick & fluffy piece on the relevance of lie detection to modern-day struggles. On the verge of making an interesting statement, the article spends too much time bringing the presumably ignorant reader up to speed on the state of modern lie psychology (or whatever you want to call it). […]

If you like what you see, tell a friend

Ed Emberly has a website, which is fantastic by its own right. But what’s more, you can get instructions on making a valentine’s day mask… A valentine’s day monster mask.

Did you know?

More than one billion birds crash into buildings in the US every year. Mirrored office blocks are a particular hazard. Having breaking news alerts delivered to your mobile phone may seem cutting edge, but the Daily Express pioneered the service back in 1914, offering personal war updates via telegram for a shilling each. When people […]

General disorder

Nalgene, forever! Or not. Over at Grist, Umbra makes a case against Nalgene bottles. (Although the column is actually a clarification of an earlier column, so if you’re new to the Nalgene question, you may want to do a little reading.) How about Orangene? A research team at Cornell has apparently discovered a way to […]


Due to the fact of being “on the road”, posting will undoubtedly be sporadic. (More than it has been, that is.) Also–and this is related –I’m gonna have to apologize for the deranged mumbo-jumbo in the post titles. Sorry.

And the cynicism mounts

Well, apparently the alleged “crystal skulls of doom”1 are no more than fakes. Which is somewhat unfortunate, because it’s (they’re) actually kind of neat. (And which begs the question: are there genuine skulls of doom out there?) (via Guardian Unlimited news blog: “The ancient and wholly rubbish prophecy of the crystal skull”) Note: 1 See […]

Quick: who’s the ‘Alstrom-Olson Syndrome’ named for?

Give up? Of course you do. Then check out Who Named It?, a would-be haven for medical eponyms. This biographical dictionary of sorts contains 7079 eponyms, and has plans to eventually describe a total of 15,000. (FYI, the aforementioned syndrome is “autosomal recessive cone-rod dystrophy of the retina,” named for/by Carl-Henry Alström and Olof Olson) […]

The Year In Cryptozoology

Just FYI. The Top Cryptozoology Stories of 2004 (via BoingBoing)