Really, it could have happened to anybody. A 20-ton piece of road machinery mowed down a fence and a couple of trees on property belonging to Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld (news – bio) after the brakes apparently slipped and the machine rolled away. “It was a freak accident,” said Michael Trujillo, director of public works […]
It was an honest mistake
For the visually-oriented
An excellent, informative graphic via the venerable NYT that does a beautiful job of illustrating verbiage of the Democratic & Republican conventions. The below image is but a snippet of the larger graphic; click on it to see the creation in all its glory. (the image’s original URL is this:; mad props to Pandagon […]
Your Guide To Springfield USA
From the Springfield Zoo and Botanical Gardens to Mt. Swatzwelder Historic Cider Mill to the Spirograph Factory—you’ll find it all in this disturbingly complete map of the Simpsons’ home town. (via, of all places, PLANetizen)
“Peace on earth depends on our ability to secure our living environment.” — Ole Danbolt Mjoes, head of the Norwegian Nobel Committee
My fellow Americans Citizens
Simon Schama (yes, that Simon Schama) concocts a speech for John Kerry. You see, my fellow Americans, when it comes to true security, George W Bush and his administration have a simple message for all of us and that message is “Good luck, pals, you’re on your own.” Short of body armour? Write home. Job […]
We found that students’ perceptions about [math and English] become more negative throughout secondary school. (Society for Research in Child Development/EurekAlert: “Teenagers’ perceptions of math and English,” by Karen Melnyk [September 17, 2004])
Dear Umbra…
…I’d like to choose my brand of gas with more conscience. Would you help? A goodie-filled column by Umbra Fisk over at Grist Magazine. The answer to the actual question (i.e., what’s the least bad gas company?) is relatively inconsequential compared to the various links offered up in the process: Better World Handbook Responsible Shopper […]
So You’ve Been Taken Prisoner by a Billionaire Colombian Drug Lord
I hate it when that happens, don’t you? Lucky for you Dan Weaver AKA Delta Force Col. Tom Smits can get you out alive. (via The Morning News)
The Maul of America
There is no doubt that the Mall of America is a ready display of American culture’s addiction to consumerism and the myth that personal possessions will boost self-esteem. It’s also an outpost of a half-century of urban design predicated on the notion that America has enough room, energy, wealth, and moxie to continue building drive-up […]
Hellboy (***1/2)
(2004) Guillermo del Toro – w/ Ron Perlman, John Hurt, Selma Blair, Rupert Evans, and Doug Jones, Brian Steele & Ladislav Berain in roles as characters you’d never ever recognize in any other film, ever Synopsis: You’ve got yer evil, last ditch Nazi plot to unleash demons, etc., which is oh-so-fortuitiously interrupted before too much […]