Fun, fun, fun. The industrious reporter, the origins of Little Red Riding Hood, & swimming through syrup

D.C., where art thou? Rick Lyman cobbles together an article that’s surprisingly readable—and interesting—despite the fact that it revolves around his (Mr. Lyman’s) inability to actually connect with his subject, the inscrutable Dick Cheney. “Desperately Seeking Dick Cheney” is, almost astonishingly, hilarious, and you ought to read it. (NYT: “Desperately Seeking Dick Cheney,” [local version] […]

Infinite Jest

I thought maybe an immense review would be appropriate, but ultimately decided against it. My review of Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace is as follows: Infinite Jest is an atrocious waste of space.

Project [ XXXXXXXX ] 2005

Project Censored covers “the News That Didn’t Make the News” (their words) and publishes an annual list of stories that should have been widely publicized, but weren’t. This year’s list is no different than any other year’s—it’s as disturbing as always. Some of the stories are alarmist, too, as always. The goal of the project […]

Mae, you’ve gotten so… Abstract?

Tom Kuntz of the NYT starts off his Sept 5th article by saying, “If the presidential election were Mae West,” but I wouldn’t hold that against him. Actually, it’s an interesting article, despite the fact that it’s not really an article. What it is is a sampling of comments ranging from 1864 to the present […]

Freak Accident #3

…though there are obviously many more… BEIJING (Reuters) – A boiler that exploded at a Chinese sauna sailed over a six-story building and landed on an old man crossing the road, Xinhua news agency said. The 63-year-old pedestrian was killed instantly and three people injured in Sunday’s bizarre accident in Baotou, Inner Mongolia, Xinhua quoted […]

How DO you address a Marquess’s Younger Son’s Widow?

Well, the same as you’d address a Duke’s Younger Son’s Wife, of course. (via TMN)

Mystery Man

Hidekazu Kakoi was looking for a fishing spot about six miles off shore when he noticed something bobbing on the horizon. He pulled his boat closer and discovered a man, grasping a duffel bag. That was just the start of the mystery. Now recovering on the tiny island of Tanegashima, off Japan’s southern coast, the […]

Spider-Man 2 (***1/2)

In lieu of an actual review, since I’m guessing a movie like Spider-Man isn’t one you need a synopsis and/or thoughtful review for, I’m going to present a pro/con list—reasons why you might like Spider-Man 2 more than you’d expect, and reasons why you might not. Reasons why you might like Spider-Man 2 more than […]

Killer Robots from Bristol

It might not look like much, but the new EcoBot II from Bristol is the closest thing yet to a completely self-sustaining robot. It eats flies. Flies which as of yet must (essentially) be spoon-fed to it—but the future promises brighter things, if not more pleasant smelling things; hopes for the EcoBot II being able […]

A match made in.. um… Wal-Mart?

Somewhere between the junk food aisle and the automotive department, Pat Byrd and Bill Hughes fell in love. (CNN/AP: “Longtime customers wed at Wal-Mart” [August 24, 2004])