Mimic (**1/2)

(1997) Guillermo del Toro – Mira Sorvino, Jeremy Northam, Josh Brolin, Giancarlo Giannini, Charles S. Dutton Synopsis: In some corners (allmovie, for instance), the plot of Mimic is encapsulated in some description of “shape-shifting bugs,” which I’d like to point out as being patently false. The bugs in Mimic are not shape-shifting; they mimic humans […]


So, you’ve just swiped one of the most prized and recognized artworks on the planet. Good work, Mr. Brazen Thief Man! So, Munch’s the Scream was stolen. Well, there’s really nothing like high profile art theft to make a good story. Although two guys dressed in black, toting guns, and making a getaway in an […]

Best of Lethal Nonlethal Weapon Brainstorming

Do you like inventing nonlethal weapons, but find yourself falling short on ideas? Look here, where you can find all SORTS of ideas for nonlethal weapons, thanks to the folks at the USAF Institute for National Security Studies. The one problem being that the authors seem to be a little unclear on the concept of […]

2 Random Reading Lists

1: You can find some people’s idea of the best reads of 2004 and 1/2 here, tucked away on an obscure mailing list of some sort. It’s an interesting list, though it would be nice if it had at least some kind of indication what the books are about, or how many people (from the […]

Jerry weighs in on Eco-policy blunders!

Apologies for the unnecessary exclamation point. But I had to draw your attention in somehow, and now that you’re here, let me say what I have to say and get it over with. The editor of the American Chemical Society (of all organizations) rants on idiotic environmental non-policies. On his list—allegedly “inspired by TV’s David […]

Mad cow, mad cow, what ya gonna do

New Scientist looks at trials of a drug thought to hold potential in treating vCJD. The trial will look at an anti-malarial drug (of all things) that seems to have some promise in the whole mad cow arena. The Guardian provides a handy-dandy Q&A format article on BSE/vCJD—giving, among other things, a straightforward, helpful explanation […]

Chuck Palahniuk: Stranger than fiction

Robert Chalmers of the Independent interviews Chuck Palahniuk in a piece called “Chuck Palahniuk: Stranger than Fiction.” By the sound of things, it’s likely to be one of very few interviews (of its particular flavor) to come from the author for a while—a fact that’s notable mostly in Palahniuk’s statement against ‘personal profiles,’ of which […]

21 Grams (****1/2)

(2003) dir. Alejandro González Iñárritu – Sean Penn, Naomi Watts, Benicio Del Toro, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Melissa Leo et al. Synopsis: 21 Grams is a story of guilt and suffering, pain and redemption, etc.; it’s a story of three people and their families, and how their lives become hopelessly entangled. I won’t say any more; it’s […]

Always wanted to direct, but never had the time?

Now’s your chance. Pick the setting, background, cast, script, soundtrack, and titles, then sit back and watch the brilliance unfold. Or not, as the case may be. (The music gets a little repetitive when it comes time for the actual movie.) (via MeFi)

Hogzilla… or Hogadilla?

You may or may not have heard of the legendary Hogzilla. You may or may not have known it was called Hogzilla, depending on what parts you’re from. “Around these parts,” the article states, “they are calling it Hogzilla.” Hog-zilla. Anyway, it’s a great headline-maker, as far as quirky news stories go. And it’s also […]