America’s Ketchup

You think it’s a joke. The first words you read on the page are, You don’t support Democrats. Why should your ketchup? and you figure, it has to be a joke, right? You see a picture of a ketchup bottle (right) with the words “America’s Ketchup” emblazoned across it, and you figure, it has to […]

Larry King vs. Jon Stewart

There’s witty banter, there’s political crosstalk, there’s incomprehensible oddity; it’s all there when Larry King interviews Jon Stewart. Banter: STEWART: Can I tell you something, I appreciate you acting interested in me the night after you had the president on. I think that’s really sweet. KING: Hey, wait a minute. STEWART: You’re focused like this. […]

Eat This

In Bad Comma, Louis Menand takes Lynne Truss (author of Eats, Shoots & Leaves) to task for her peculiar and highly idiosyncratic application of punctuation. The revelation of how wrong Truss is, by itself, is comical (at times), but it’s unfair to say that Menand writes about nothing else; the entire article is insightful, engaging […]

Augment all you can augment in the army

There are some articles whose headlines and captions appear written by mentally deranged waterfowl, and then there are articles whose headlines virtually write themselves (though not without human intervention, of course); the following, I think, is one of the latter.

Guess Who?

One guess who said this: [The legislators] cannot have the guts to come out there in front of you and say, ‘I don’t want to represent you. I want to represent those special interests: the unions, the trial lawyers’ … I call them girly-men. They should get back to the table and they should finish […]

Depends what you mean by “Best”

The NYT has a list of the 1,000 best movies ever made. So they say. Best of all, though, you don’t need to be registered to see the list. I’n’t that spectacular? (At least, I don’t think you need to be registered to see it. If it turns out you do, lemme know.) Of the […]

365 Old Favorites that you didn’t know were Old or Favorite

Ubuweb relaunches (though I have to confess, I missed the initial launching) its 365 Days Project: 365 mp3s of crazy, eccentric, off-the-wall recordings. Wild and crazy stuff, like Casper The Friendly Ghost singing Motorcycle Policeman (yes, that Casper the Friendly Ghost), and Van Morrison singing songs called Ring Worm, You Say France And I Whistle, […]

Scattershot: Dogs, Dogs, and Blobs

Wonder Dog? In Toronto, a dog may well have prevented a massacre. The dog—whose identity has yet to be confirmed (sounding more and more like a superhero)—approached a man who was planning a killing spree, thus defusing the situation. The man’s plan was to load his weapons and then drive around, killing at random, etc., […]

Thirdly, the logic is supported…

This sentence is so wickedly, outlandishly sloppy that it’s almost funny: Thus, although Bush cited only British evidence that was determined to have been inconclusive, other intelligence files clearly contained other inconclusive evidence of the truth of the claim. The whole article reads like a bad tenth grade essay. Admittedly, the AP’s not here to […]

Are you lookin’ for it?

The WorldWatch Institute has a guide to good stuff. Here it is. With topics on everything from DVDs to meat, WWI’s guide to good stuff lets you know what’s good and what’s not. The Consumption Manifesto accompanying the guide is also good, with 10 principles of good consumption. (via How To Save The World)