
News: “Duke University is eliminating 8 a.m. classes and trying to come up with other ways help its sleep-deprived students, who too often are struggling to survive on a mix of caffeine, adrenaline, and ambition.” Hurrah, hurrah, hurrah. News you can appreciate, if not actually benefit from.(via Boglo) Some low-impact living initiative fact sheets. Good […]


Told Lavinia, look: the pictures are out, what d’you want us to do. Said Ell, we aren’t a young man anymore, we aren’t like we used to be. And things, other things aren’t the same either. It’s no longer like we can what wave a hand and have somebody here doing something’s for us anymore.

It’s the ol’ “what-movie-do-you-belong-in” quiz

…and the answer, apropos of my earlier post today, is: Go ahead and take the What movie Do you Belong in?(many different outcomes!) quiz. It will cure what ails you and bring a peaceful resolution to the world’s problems*. * Some restrictions may apply

Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk

…because you couldn’t decide whether or not you really wanted to read this book. Yeah, right. So, um, yeah, a great book, this Fight Club. Hands-down (well, almost—I’m not sure about Americana) this is the best first novel I’ve ever read, i.e., the best “this-is-so-and-so’s-first-novel” book, so-and-so in this case being Chuck Palahniuk. Brilliant, really. […]

Feel… strangely… compelled… to… like… Australia…

(via Pollingreport.com, like it says)

Patterns of Thought re: Global Dimming

“Goodbye Sunshine” is a Guardian article that keeps turning up in the oddest places. It was picked up by Slashdot sometime close to the original publication. MeFi seems to latch on to it from time to time (I can’t find the other time, but I know it’s there), too. And it’s even found itself a […]

All around the world in 360 degrees

Taking a giant leap forward from the quote-unquote ‘traditional’ quicktime virtual-reality offerings—boxes that were like at most two inches wide, these tiny spaces that offered a vague sense of control in that you could pan around 360°—Fullscreen QTVR has some imagery that is quite frankly amazing. Everything from the top of Mt. Everest to the […]

O heavy lightness!

I’ve always said, “if only I had the complete text of Romeo and Juliet on a bedsheet—or maybe on a shower curtain—I might come to appreciate it more.” Finally.

The better to see you with

Hale said the 57-pound calf is friendly, likes to drink milk from its mother and enjoys lapping up water by using both tongues. (via Local6/AP: “Three-Eyed, Double-Mouthed Calf In Good Health” [April 21, 2004])

Email Privacy (Some Restrictions May Apply)

Brad Templeton–who works for the EFF, an electronic privacy group, and who also has close personal ties with Google management–has a very thorough look at some of the privacy issues surrounding the G-mail service currently being tested by Google. One of the tidbits of information I found most interesting is a privacy rule that already […]