How long does it take for the Earth to go around the Sun: one day, one month, or one year? On a science literacy survey of 1574 adults, 54% answered this question correctly. But don’t worry—this number jumped to a whopping 66% when it included only those who considered themselves part of an attentive public, […]
Science (il)Literacy
Rundown, In Brief
Prisons are America’s “primary supplier of mental-health services.”1 Make a face. Change it. Craft your new identity. Morphases.2 Dolphins and humans are fairly similar, brain-wise.3 Struwwelpeter/Shockheaded Peter, online.4 Tired of original speech? Cliche Finder to the rescue.5 “I think that it could be done.”6 Send me your brains. Sterling Courier Systems, please.7 They have a […]
Somewhat Controlled Impact Demo
NASA Dryden Flight Research Center has a gallery of digitized video clips of some experimental and/or historically significant aircraft. Possibly more unique than the SR-71 (that would be the Blackbird) or Mars Rover is the video of a Controlled Impact Demonstration (pictured right) wherein a Boeing 720 was intentionally crashed in order to record the […]
Platypus Trivia
In most mammals, including humans, sex is decided by the X and Y chromosomes: two Xs create a female, while XY creates a male. In birds, the system is similar: ZW makes for a female, while ZZ makes for a male. But in platypuses, XXXXXXXXXX creates a female, while XYXYXYXYXY creates a male. In other […]
While the internet may help some people with various chronic conditions, a new study seems to indicate that “cyber-medicine” may actually leave others worse off than if they’d simply listened to their doctors. (EurekAlert/University College London: “Knowledge may be hazardous to web consumers’ health” [October 17, 2004])
Blind to the world (or not?)
This is very, very curious: “We found neural activity that frankly surprised us,” says Michael Weliky, associate professor of brain and cognitive sciences at the University of Rochester. “Adult ferrets had neural patterns in their visual cortex that correlated very well with images they viewed, but that correlation didn’t exist at all in very young […]
Making a robotic elephant trunk is harder than you’d think
Were this lobster not made of industrial-strength plastic, metal alloys and a nickel metal hydride battery, Dr. Ayers … seemed frustrated enough to drop [it] into a boiling pot of water and serve it up for dinner. Mr. Snakebot complains it’s hard to get funding these days. A maker of robotic flies—who happens professor at […]
Fun, fun, fun. The industrious reporter, the origins of Little Red Riding Hood, & swimming through syrup
D.C., where art thou? Rick Lyman cobbles together an article that’s surprisingly readable—and interesting—despite the fact that it revolves around his (Mr. Lyman’s) inability to actually connect with his subject, the inscrutable Dick Cheney. “Desperately Seeking Dick Cheney” is, almost astonishingly, hilarious, and you ought to read it. (NYT: “Desperately Seeking Dick Cheney,” [local version] […]
Killer Robots from Bristol
It might not look like much, but the new EcoBot II from Bristol is the closest thing yet to a completely self-sustaining robot. It eats flies. Flies which as of yet must (essentially) be spoon-fed to it—but the future promises brighter things, if not more pleasant smelling things; hopes for the EcoBot II being able […]
It’s the end of the world!
Will it be aliens? Impotence? Verneshot? How will the world end? Exit Mundi has the low-down. The surprising thing is, the site’s saner than you might expect (hence, I guess, the surprise).