It’s like Babelfish… for animals!

Or maybe it’s just a table of animal noises in different languages

But just think, what if it weren’t…?


(link [though not the graphic] via, probably, some other blog I’ve forgotten all about; just imagine the actual citation is right here)

If Only

As part of Slate’s Pulp Fiction week, some designers/artists were asked to envision classic works of literature as pulp fiction covers. The results are excellent. The Moby Dick cover won me over for its alliteration, but all the covers have their own special charms.


More Rats

Rat scientists have found that keen old minds work in different ways than bright young ones.

Universal Acclaim!

“Excellent site! Thanks for author!”
Cheap PhoneDrug Times
“Awesome, your webpage’s!”
-RingtoneWallpapr Gazette
“Your site is very cognitive! You I think have a good future!”
-Buy A*bien Post
“Best ever! I love this place!”
-Free Online D*azepam Globe

Rundown, Briefly

  • TV-B-Gone. Can anything this delightful be legal? (via Cool Tools)
  • Too Real. Schizophrenics are apparently not fooled by optical illusions that trick non-schizophrenics. Curious.
  • Oh, that makes it better. “We didn’t actually hover an Osprey over a mosque.” A while ago, Bell & Boeing put out an ad for a type of aircraft (an Osprey) which involved said aircraft hovering over a mosque, troops rappeling, etc., with the tagline, “It descends from the heavens. Ironically, it unleashes hell.” Then everyone from both companies agreed, “oops.” (via The Seattle Times)
  • Castles of the US. A surprisingly long list, though apparently the page’s maintainer no longer has time to update it. You wouldn’t imagine the castle landscape is too dynamic, however, so it’s probably fine. (via MeFi)

They Are What They Say

Devices Of Wonder brings you the Magic Lantern Slide, Indonesian Shadow Puppets, Miroir de sorciére, and muchly more.  From the Getty Museum.

 (via WFMU’s Beware of the Blog)


It’s too bad I haven’t been letting the comment spam post to this blog; you’d be up to your armpits in posts here, if that were the case.

Sadly, it’s not.

Skateboarding dog

You read the book, now see the movie.


(Well, okay, you haven’t read the book. But that’s no excuse.  Apparently this skateboarding bulldog has his own website, if you’re interested.  Which you are, quite naturally.)

(via CuteOverload)


Moral of the story

…it’s better to go running with rats?

But new research with rats suggests that running solo might not offer the perceived benefits and, in fact, may actually be bad for runners when combined with social isolation.

The scientists behind the study report that mice forced to live and run by themselves have less brain cell growth than those that get to run with other rats.

The implications for humans aren’t clear.

I don’t plan on finding any rats to go running with anytime soon.