Plus / Minus


Periodic table of awesoments, happy people read, 2008 movie recap preview (it’ll make sense, after you’ve seen it)

Psychopaths pick on underdogs, mad cow disease may come back in style (via io9), people kissing alligators.


…wait till May 18th to make your resolutions.

They End With Horses

Everyone wanted to watch through hushed windows, through closed blinds; wanted a glance at that thing rolling down the street before it was dusty artefact of history and importance – but not too much of a look. The future of the parade. And the last one, probably. Millions of people watching, cheering, drinking. More, less. Both. None of it on the television. The thing you couldn’t see, but had to. The end.

Nothing changed, but everything was different.

There Was No News. There was no word on the television, or in newspapers and magazines. Nothing on the internet. Not a word. Political figures did not calm the populace; they did not even mention the invasion. It was as if everything were completely ordinary, as ordinary strange as it ever was.

If not for Amaia, come to me in a dream, I wouldn’t have known.

What does the end of written history look like?

I went in to work, the last day. I didn’t have to, but there was no reason to do anything different. It could have been different, but it wasn’t.

The horses rode down the streets.

From the bottom of the ocean, they weren’t horses, but what could you call them? They were things we didn’t have a word for, because no one talked about them. They were giant, hulking things, wretched and stinking, gray, coarse. That day you could feel the monotonous pounding of their hooves on the streets. A noise you knew would never end.

I made it to work because I saw none.

Looking up and out, we’d either expected invasions from the stars, or not at all. Mostly, not at all. But “invasion” gives the wrong connotation. Friend, this is the beginning.

Amaia told me. She told everyone.

Robots of the future, break out of your cells

Say what you will of Lockheed-Martin’s take on Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles-as-documentary; this proof-of-concept (if that’s the right phrasing) test video is eerily captivating.


Our ledere

I keep forgetting about this.  And it makes me happy, each time I remember.

Excerpt from the Prowl Log:

The ryghte hande man to Optimus Prime
was speciale agente Jazz, who time after time

displayed a penchaunte for flayre and daring,
even when certayne defete was staring

him ryghte in his unflynching opticale visor
(whyche flashed like a houngry wolf’s incisor).

Much more where that came from.  I heartily recommend you Check It Out.

(via the curiously inimitable tawnygrammar)

Worth it for the clapping chicken alone

Is that even a chicken?

The Deglingos.

But where is he going?

A little feature called “Let’s fly commercial with the Batman”.  There’s… really nothing more to say.

(via BeaucoupKevin(dot)com)

Zombie Chart

via io9, a graphic showing the steady-ish uptick in the frequency of zombie movies, and “mapping” it (very roughty) to incidences of war (click below for a larger image):

Correlation not being correlation, blah blah blah, everything else aside, it’s still a fun chart.

(via io9)

It’s like Speed!

The movie, that is.  But with… um… a keyboard instead of a bus.  And on the plus side, no Keanu Reeves.  “Write or Die,” it’s called.  It’s a webapp that tries to provide some manner of motivation for all writers who struggle with the whole word-count thing, and getting distracted, and–

–ooh, look, vintage poison labels!

Oh, crap.

Anyway, you get the general idea.  It’s a nifty concept, though I haven’t given it a go, so I have no idea whether it motivates or annoys.  Or both.  Or neither.  Try it!

(via Lifehacker)

Time come. Time gone. Things changed.

You will have going to was been guilty.

Nowhere to go, nothing to see.

But to read! Give them a call. Imagine the future. Better. Maybe not destroyed. Maybe more friendly.

What were you expecting?

Make what you expect. Be surprised by what you make. Warm your mind. Toast the thought.