Survival Cards

These survival cards are more of a teaching aid than they are a game, though presumably you could hack a game out of them. The deck consists of 16 cards, each of them some sort of equipment (e.g., hatchet) or resource (e.g., cave). There are numerous ways in which they can be used (the cards, that is), but the way I’ve used them is this:

  1. Divide everyone into groups
  2. Shuffle cards and distribute them to the groups
  3. Allow each group a short time for discussion
  4. Give groups a chance to trade cards
  5. Provide a second chance for each group to discuss their resources
  6. Offer a second trading opportunity
  7. Discuss / Scenarios

Dividing into groups

Small is best. Ideally, you’ll have two groups, but more would be okay.

Distributing Cards

With two groups, you may want to withhold some cards, giving each group something like 4 or 5 cards, but it depends on the group. Handing out all the cards—giving 8 cards to one group, and 8 to the other—can potentially make the activity too easy.


This ought to be a time for brainstorming: a time for group members to discuss how each item can be used in an emergency situation, what the advantages and disadvantages of each thing are, etc.

This brainstorming session is intended to prime the groups for the next part of the activity, which is trading.


The goal of trading is for groups to improve their chances for survival. Groups shouldn’t think of their items as existing independent of one another, but as part of a system: ideally, they’ll think how objects could complement one another

End Game

Depending on the group and its level of involvement, the discussion and trading can be drawn out for quite a while. Eventually, however, you’ll want to move on to the final stage of the activity, which is essentially an opportunity for groups to see how they did.

Also available in convenient pdf format, four cards to a sheet.





You were expecting maybe…

…something a little more profound? Cold fusion, perhaps?

I’ve done a number of science fair projects throughout high school, old news. For posterity and some vague possible usefulness, here you can see the papers from these projects. Abstracts to all of these projects are listed below, with links to full write-ups on the projects. Topics range from electroosmosis in soil remediation to thermal conductivity in soil to electroosmosis in drilling.

If you’ve come here expecting information on how to organize a science fair, well, there’s that, too.

Investigating the Effect of Texture on the Relative Benefit of Electroosmosis in Soil Remediation


The purpose of this experiment was to determine the influence of texture on the effect of electroosmosis (EO) on a hydraulic gradient imposed flow of an ionic solution through soil. It was hoped that by determining this, it would be possible to determine the effect of texture on the remedial potential of electroosmosis in a particular soil. A number of soil samples were gathered to provide a variety of attributes for a basis of comparison and analysis of trends. Soil samples were characterized for texture, pore space, particle density, and organic matter.

Using PVC pipe, a test chamber was designed to maintain an open-flow arrangement with a bottle used at the side of the anode to maintain a constant and relatively small external hydraulic gradient. The ionic solution used was a sodium chloride solution (3g/L).

For each test, an air-dried sample was loaded into the test chamber and the hydraulic gradient applied. Measurements of flow output were taken at ten-minute intervals for a total of four hours. Electroosmosis tests were run with a direct current of eight volts applied and control tests were run in the absence of electric current.

Of all variables, texture was found to be most directly related to the efficacy electroosmosis, with clay influencing EO negatively; the relationship identified substantiated the trend identified by the previous year’s study and contradicted the theoretical basis for electroosmotic efficacy.

Also available, in condensed + stylized form, in PDF.


Electroosmosis is one of a group of several “electrokinetic” phenomena which relate to the motion of charged electrolyte solutions and the motion of charged particles in solution or suspension; it is defined as “the movement of a liquid relative to a stationary charged surface (e.g., a capillary or porous plug) by an electric field.” (Probstein 195).

Since the discovery of these phenomena by F.F. Reuss in 1809, the potential of electroosmosis for various applications has been demonstrated numerous times, with electroosmosis being first utilized in the dewatering and stabilizing of soils in the 1930s. Electroosmosis has since been shown to have applicability in the separation of organic and inorganic contaminants, in construction of leak detection systems in clay liners, in the diversion of waste “plumes,” in the injection of nutrients or microorganisms into subsoil layers, in the increasing of pile strength, in the dewatering of foams, sludges, and dredgings, and in systems and barriers for lowering ground-water. The focus of this project, however, was the application of electroosmosis to the remediation of contaminated soil.

Electroosmosis and Soil

When in contact with an ionic solution the mineral particles present in soil give rise to a negative charge referred to as the soil’s zeta potential. This potential arises for many reasons, including chemical and physical adsorption within the soil and lattice imperfections. The negative charged surface of the particles attracts positive ions from the solution, creating a super-thin layer of water (sometimes referred to as double-layer or Debye sheath) in the pore walls. This layer of water moves much like a single ion under the influence of the electric field, and the viscous drag of the water causes the water in the pores to also gain a velocity component, generally in the direction of the cathode.

Soil Remediation

Despite the growing ecological awareness in society today, contamination of soil (and the resulting ground-water contamination) by both industrial and consumer chemicals is becoming a more prevalent concern. Minimization of chemical by-products and pollutants is obviously an important step in minimizing ecological impact, but identification of better methods of soil remediation is also an important focus given that conditions of our society will continue to favor the escape of certain levels of chemical pollutants into the environment regardless of what measures are taken to limit them.

Identification of methods for contaminant removal which could be most effectively be utilized given the conditions of a site and considering the resources available must take into account the nature of the pollutant and soil as well as economic factors, since prohibitive costs can curtail the implementation of a method regardless of the benefits of the method.

Though the study of electroosmosis for its potential in soil remediation has been largely limited to laboratory studies and very limited field tests, indications are that electroosmosis may prove to be an extremely valuable addition to conventional methods of soil remediation for both its efficacy and cost.

Application of Electroosmosis to Soil Remediation

The focus of this project was electroosmosis; however, in applying electroosmosis to soil remediation other electrokinetic phenomena are involved, and characterization of the movement of the contaminant only in terms of electroosmotic convection and electromigration is still inadequate to fully describe the motion of the contaminant. The chemical reactions that take place at the electrodes, in the fluid itself, desorption, dissolution, and chemical interactions within the soil itself all have bearing upon the contaminant’s motion.

In effecting the removal of soluble or slightly soluble contaminants from soil both electroosmosis and electromigration would be involved, electroosmosis effecting the movement of the purge solution through the soil and electromigration effecting the movement of the contaminant within the purge solution. In cases where electroosmosis would be the dominant mechanism, the percentage of contaminant removal would be directly correlated to pore volumes of purge solution flushed through the soil.

One group of weakly ionized compounds commonly associated with ground water contamination and which to which electroosmosis has great applicability is the aromatics, which includes such compounds as benzene, toluene, and xylene. These compounds are known to ionize within a range that should give rise to a sufficient zeta potential on the soil for electroosmosis to take place. Electromigration, unlike electroosmosis, is independent of zeta potential and soil particle size and depends primarily on the charge of the contaminant itself.

For compounds such as heavy hydrocarbons, which are essentially not ionized, the primary benefit of electroosmosis is restricted to purging the compound indirectly by pushing it with a water “front” in the soil unless surfactants can be utilized within the purge solution to solubize the contaminants.

Electroosmosis research has been largely limited to the laboratory, and only in certain locations have large-scale experiments been conducted in a natural setting. The majority of laboratory experiments concerning the remediary potential of electroosmosis has been limited to tests on kaolinite clay samples; one of the main goals of this project was to extend tests of electroosmosis past uniform samples to tests on soils of various texture.

Advantages of Electroosmosis

Although electroosmosis (in theory) should be more effective in soils with a lower hydraulic conductivity (i.e., soils with a greater percentage of micropores and that are more difficult to move water through by means of a pressure-driven device), this research sought to determine how great an effect texture has on the efficacy of electroosmosis by experimental means.

Conventional pressure-driven methods inevitably channel water through the larger-sized pores; electroosmosis-driven flow, however, should allow for a more uniform channeling of water (or purge solution) through pores and a much greater degree of control of the motion exhibited by the purge solution. Additionally, conventional methods of soil remediation rely primarily on various extraction processes which can range in cost from $50 to $1,500 per cubic yard of contaminated soil, compared to $2.00/ton of effluent removed by EO (Shapiro and Probstein 1993).


Quite a number of laboratory studies have been conducted in regards to the determination of the feasibility of electroosmosis as a method of soil remediation. Whereas a large proportion of these studies published in scientific journals have dealt with the nature of various contaminants, very few were concerned with the textural properties of the soil. Most used a kaolinite clay sample for use in electroosmosis tests, and those that did involve different textures were limited to very pure silt and clay mixtures. There is a large deal of theoretical basis for the assumption that electroosmosis would have a greater efficacy in soils of low hydraulic permeabilities (i.e., clays), however, the effect of electroosmosis is still veiled in a certain level of practical uncertainty, with most studies still restricted to laboratory studies.

Phase One

The first phase of this research conducted during 1997-1998 involved studying what relationships might exist between soil texture and the efficacy of electroosmosis in effecting the removal of organic contaminants from soil. This research attempted to identify a relationship by tracing the movement of tannic acid through test samples under the influence of electroosmosis. Tannic acid was chosen as the model for the experiment since it is relatively safe and more importantly because it is structurally similar to the aromatics, a group of organic chemicals for which there exists a potentially wide range of applicability for electroosmosis.

The boundary conditions for flow in this experiment were a closed electrode configuration, with a slight current applied across the test sample by means of a DC power supply. Samples were taken over time at three points along the test chamber in order to establish the change in concentration over time as effected by electroosmosis.

The data produced by this phase of the research indicated several potential relationships involving electroosmotic efficacy in the removal of organic contaminants from soil. Significant among these trends is the positive relationship of sand to electroosmotic efficacy; that is, as sand content increases, electroosmotic efficacy was found to also increase. This contradicts the theoretical range of applicability of electroosmosis, which is in fine-grained soils of low hydraulic permeabilities (i.e., soils with high clay content). To explore this contradiction, a second phase of research was devised.

Phase Two

The second and current phase of research was devised with several new considerations in addition to those made in the first phase of experimentation. One consideration was the process of adsorption of the contaminant by the soil; because concentration readings of a contaminant present in a soil sample could be drastically altered by adsorption of the compound, it was decided that a more accurate measure of electroosmotic efficacy could be determined by looking at electroosmosis-induced flow rather than contaminant migration. By removing the variable of the contaminant, it was hypothesized that a more accurate comparison of electroosmosis in various soils could be made with a wider range of applicability of the results.

This phase of the project attempted to measure electroosmotic efficacy by flow rate in order to obtain a more reliable measure of how texture affects electroosmosis. Also of interest is the apparent trend that the first phase of this research established, which seemed to contradict theory concerning the soils in which electroosmosis would have greatest applicability; this research seemed to indicate a correlation between sandy soils and greater electroosmosis efficacy, which was a primary reason for a continued and intensified investigation of this process. It was hoped that the data provided by additional research could better quantify the relationships indicated by the first phase of research.


Design and Construction of Test Chamber

The experimental set-up was designed to allow the effects of electroosmosis to be observed separate from other the electrokinetic phenomena associated with the processes that would be involved in the electroosmotic purging of a contaminant through soil; for this reason, the purpose of the test chamber was to allow measurement of water flow through the soil. The test chamber was designed to maintain an open-flow arrangement, with a bottle used at the side of the anode to maintain a constant and relatively small external hydraulic gradient.

The main body of the test chamber was designed to separate into two pieces to allow easy loading of samples and was based on a 2″ PVC pipe. Also comprising the main body were a cap, coupler, and reducer (2″ to ¾”). The hydraulic gradient from the elevated salt solution was maintained from a bottle and 2″ coupler through a series of connecting pieces of PVC pipe. The entire apparatus was also designed with the intention that unused salt solution in the bottle at the conclusion of a test could be reclaimed for use in later tests.

An outlet for the water was drilled through the cap at the cathode end of the electroosmosis test chamber with the hydraulic gradient being supplied to the sample through a reducer on the anode side of the chamber. Electrodes for the chamber consisted of iron washers that were placed in the cap (at the cathode end) and the reducer (at the anode end). These electrodes were connected to the external power supply (8 volts, DC) by means of metal screws that contacted the washers and breached the walls of the test chamber.


Characterization of Soil Samples

Soil samples with a wide range of attributes for a basis of comparison and analysis of trends were gathered. Each sample was characterized by its textural grouping, pore space, bulk and particle density, and organic matter content.

Texture was determined for each sample by means of a texture test kit which separated the soil into its three basic mineral fractions of sand, silt, and clay based on the amount of time required for each to settle in solution.

Fifteen milliliters of a soil sample were added to one 50-mL soil separation tube, and the tube was tapped firmly on a hard surface to eliminate air spaces. One milliliter of Texture Dispersing Reagent was added to the tube, and the sample was then diluted to 45 mL with water. The tube was capped and shaken for two minutes, and then allowed to settle for 30 seconds. The solution from the tube was poured into another tube and allowed to settle for 30 minutes. The amount of sediment in the first tube was divided by the initial amount of soil (15 mL) to calculate the percentage of sand in the soil. The amount of sediment in the second tube was then divided by the initial amount of soil (15 mL) to calculate the percentage of silt in the soil. The percentage of clay in the sample was calculated by subtracting the sum of the other two percentages from 100 %. This was done to obtain a more accurate reading of clay percentage than the measurement of the volume of clay, as the colloidal nature of clay causes it to swell in water. This procedure was repeated for each soil sample.

Pore space was determined by gradually adding water to a dried soil sample of a known volume. The volume of water used by the point at which the soil reached saturation was noted, and this volume was divided by the total volume of the soil sample to determine percent pore space.

Density for each sample was determined by weighing a known volume of a soil sample. Bulk density was calculated as the sample’s overall density while particle density was calculated by factoring out the volume of the pore space in the soil.

Percent organic matter content for each soil sample was determined by heating a small oven-dried sample of the soil over a Bunsen burner to a constant mass. Though the values obtained by means of this method are approximate, the technique is accurate enough to give a fairly good relative indication of organic matter present in the samples.

Testing of Soil Samples

A double-chamber set-up was devised to allow simultaneous testing of electroosmosis-affected flow and control flow, which consisted of an identical set-up without the current applied.

Each half of the test-chamber was loaded and the two halves were joined. To minimize leakage through the coupler, electrical tape was utilized to seal the chamber. A weak purge effluent of sodium chloride was prepared to a concentration of 3 g/L (~ 0.05 M). The hydraulic gradient was then applied; for the electroosmosis tests, a direct current of 8 volts was applied via the external power supply, while the control tests maintained the hydraulic gradient in the absence of electric current. Volume readings were taken at ten-minute intervals to determine the amount of effluent discharged at the cathode and individual tests were carried out for a total of four hours. The comparatively short duration of the tests was intentional to minimize the chemical interactions within the soil during the tests.


Many factors are known to have an effect on the potential benefit of electroosmosis in soil remediation, and for this reason many recent studies have investigated numerous variables involved in the process including electric potential; contaminant type, concentration, and distribution; and electrode material, arrangement, and configuration. The focus of this investigation was soil texture, a variable given little consideration or attention outside the range of what is theoretically assumed to be the applicable range of electroosmosis (i.e., very fine-grained soils-specifically, soils with high clay content). Other variables examined in this investigation for their potential influence on electroosmosis were pore space, particle density, and organic matter. Several variables of significance to the electroosmotic flow which were kept constant during this experiment were voltage, concentration of the ionic purge solution, temperature of soil sample, hydraulic head, and electrode configuration.

This experiment was designed with the intent that relative electroosmotic efficacy in various soils could be determined by measuring the change in flow rate of an ionic solution through a sample of the soil; it was expected that electroosmosis would impose an additional velocity vector on the advection of the effluent through the test chamber. It was hoped that this focus would yield a more quantitative understanding of the relationships existing between soil texture and electroosmosis than the previous year’s research, which focused on contaminant migration.

One difficulty in interpreting the data was that the flow varied greatly even within several tests of a single sample. Despite this variability, it was found that third-order approximations for the data of total flow over time had high R2 values: of 67 tests conducted overall, R2 values for third-order polynomial trendlines of only three tests fell below 0.98. Another observation of note to this research was that a slight disturbance of the test chamber during testing could result in a radical change of the flow rate; this suggests that minor changes within the structural character of a soil sample could have disproportionately large influences on flow through the medium, contributing to the idea that radical variations of flow through various tests of a single soil sample might be expected. This variability of flow rate was one reason that a large number of trials for a relatively small number of soil samples was favored over a smaller number of trials for a larger number of soil samples; while a larger number of soil samples would allow for a more diverse texture base, it was not felt that the results obtained would reflect the true relationships as well as the average of a large number of trials of a smaller number of soil samples would.

Flow rates achieved during electroosmosis tests averaged significantly less than those of the control tests did, and overall flow rates for both control and EO tests decreased over time. Additionally, the decrease in flow rate for EO tests was initially found to average significantly greater than the decrease found in the control tests (i.e., flow rate in EO tests decreased more rapidly than flow rate in control tests). The overall decrease in flow rate for both sets of tests can be partially attributed to the saturation of the soils over time by the effluent solution. The additional decrease in flow rate for the EO tests presented a difficulty for analyzing the data collected, since it was originally hypothesized that the relative strength of electroosmotic influence on flow rate in various soils could be determined by calculating the proportion of increase in flow rather than decrease. This decrease could be attributed to the effects of the electrode reactions on the pH of the soil (to decrease pH at the anode and increase pH at the cathode), which would tend to have a negative effect on the flow rate over time (Shapiro and Probstein 1993).

While this offers an explanation for the initially more rapid decrease in flow rate (with both soil saturation with the purge solution and electrochemical changes within the soil contributing to a greater decrease in flow rate than just soil saturation), this does not account for the difference between control and EO flow rates initially. The significance of this observation is also uncertain, and additional experimentation may be necessary in order to explain the origins of this effect. Hamed et al. noted a delay in the initiation of EO-induced flow rate in experiments designed to measure EO-induced flow over time, though reasons for this delay were not hypothesized (1991).

For the purposes of this investigation, comparative values for trend analyses were obtained by averaging the differences between control and EO flow rates and change in flow rates (referred to in this paper as “rate change index” [RCI]). The convention used for this was to subtract the EO values for rate and rate change from the control values.

Textural composition of each of the samples was represented in several ways, in an attempt to give an accurate analysis of the correlations existing between texture and electroosmosis. Texture was broken into its distinct particle size groupings and the rate change index was plottted against each of these individual fractions (i.e., separate graphs were created that plotted rate change index against percent sand, percent silt, and percent clay). For an additional graph, samples were given numerical rankings based on their location on the textural triangle, with sand being given a ranking of 1 and sandy clay loam being given a ranking of 4; following this convention, however, resulted in data being grouped into only three categories (2, 3, and 4 corresponding to loamy sand, sandy loam, and sandy clay loam).

In an effort to consolidate data and provide means for better analyzing trends, averages were obtained for final RCI values (taken from the last five data points of 200, 210, 220, 230, and 240 minutes) and plotted against texture. Lower [negative] values would correspond to data points for which EO rate change exceeded control rate change and EO flow decreased less rapidly than control flow. Lower values would therefore seem to indicate samples for which flow rate was most strongly influenced by electroosmosis.

The apparent correlation between sand content and RCI index was of a lesser RCI index with higher sand content; this would suggest that electroosmosis had a stronger influence on the flow rate established by advection in soils of high sand content. Additionally, negative relationships were indicated between silt and RCI index and clay and RCI index, suggesting that higher clay and silt content would have an adverse effect on EO in application to soil remediation. The R2 value for the correlation between clay content and the RCI index was significantly greater than the correlation between silt and the index.

While the R2 values produced for these relationships are relatively low, it is significant that they reproduce the results indicated by the first phase of this research, which also indicated a correlation between sand content and electroosmotic efficacy as well as between clay content and a decrease in electroosmotic efficacy. Theoretical basis for the EO phenomenon is of higher efficacy in fine-grained soils, a trend opposite that indicated by the data produced by this research. For this reason, the data produced by this research appear to contradict the theoretical basis for EO efficacy. Additional significance can be found in the duplication of these results in two separate experiments of different experimental design (phase one and phase two).

Several possibilities have been identified by this researcher for the existence of this contradiction found in the data.

While previous studies have been devised to investigate the effects of a variation of texture within a limited range of silt and clay mixtures, none have studied the effects of texture within the range studied by this project. For this reason, it is possible that EO efficacy increases at the extremes of the textural triangle. In order to investigate this possibility, it may be helpful to obtain larger quantities of soil samples for purposes of mixing; with only a minimally larger sample base of soil samples, it would then be possible to create a much wider range of textures for purposes of testing by mixing samples.

The possibility also exists that the discrepancy between the data and the theoretical applicability of electroosmosis is linked to the relatively short duration of trials in this experiment. While future research may want to focus on flow over a more extended time period, it was felt that for the purposes of this particular experiment more exact measures of rate and change in rate (obtained by more frequent readings of flow volume) would be desirable over less frequent and less accurate measures of rate and change in rate.

Finally, there exists the possibility that theoretical models of electroosmotic efficacy in application to soil remediation do not serve as accurate representations of the processes at work. Though many studies have been conducted recently to investigate electroosmotic phenomenon, the processes at work are still not very well understood and the potential exists that present theoretical models may be in error.

The remaining variables in addition to texture were considered by this research were systematically assumed to be the independent variables in order to establish whether a stronger correlation existed between the strength of EO-induced flow and a variable other than texture (table follows). Based on the data, however, clay content remained the variable with the greatest likelihood of having a direct effect on EO-flow.


Based on the findings of the previous year’s research, this phase of experimentation sought to refute or quantify the correlations between texture and electroosmotic efficacy that were indicated. It is significant that both phase one and two of this research indicated the same potential trend of clay content having a negative influence upon electroosmotic efficacy. Additionally, it is important to note that this trend is contrary to the theoretical range of greater electroosmotic-applicability, which is of clay content to greater efficacy. Three possibilities were suggested to explain this contradiction-a greater efficacy with extremes of sand and clay content, a strong time dependence which differs over more extended periods of time greatly from the initially established trends, or an inaccuracy of theoretical models at explaining the true processes taking place under the influence of electroosmosis.


Acar, Y. et. al. Phenol removal from kaolinite by electrokinetics. J. Geotechnical Eng. 118: 1837; 1992.

Anderson, J.; Idol, W. Electroosmosis through pores with nonuniformly charged walls. Chem. Eng. 38: 93-106; 1985.

Bouma, J., Brown, R.B., and P.S.C. Rao. “Movement of Water: Basics of Soil-Water Relationships – Part III.” University of Florida Cooperative Extension Service. (11-Nov-97).

Bruell, C. et. al. Electroosmotic removal of gasoline hydrocarbons and TCE from clay. J. Geotechnical Eng. 118:68; 1992.

Buttler, Tasha, Martinkovic, Wendel, and O. Nesheim. “Factors Influencing Pesticide Movement to Ground Water.” University of Florida Cooperative Extension Service. (11-Nov-97).

Catsimpoolas, Nicholas, ed. Isoelectric Focusing. New York: Academic Press, 1976.

Chapelle, Francis H. The Hidden Sea. Tucson, AZ: Geoscience, 1997.

Hamed, J. et. al. PB(II) removal from kaolinite by electrokinetics. J. Geotechnical Eng. 117: 241-271; 1991.

“Introduction to Soil Water Potential.” Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, New Mexico State University. (14-Nov-97).

M.Mizoguchi, T.Ito and K.Matsukawa. Movement of water and ions in frozen clay by electroosmosis.

Probstein, Ronald F. Physicochemical Hydrodynamics. New York: Wiley, 1994.

Removal of contaminants from soils by electric fields. Science. 260:498; 1993.

Segall, B. et. al. Electroosmotic contaminant-removal processes. J. Env. Engineering. 118: 84-100; 1992.

Shapiro, A. and R. Probstein. Removal of Contaminants from Saturated Clay by Electroosmosis. Envirn. Sci. Technol. 27: 283-291; 1993.

“Soil Bulk Density.” (12-Nov-97).

“Soil Texture.” (12-Nov-97).

Webber, M.D. and S.S. Singh. “Contamination of Agricultural Soils.” Soil Health. (12-Nov-97).


(This is more or less the list of acknowledgments posted with my project for the 1998-1999 fair)
I will say that I feel that my independent science projects over my four years of high school have been an enormous success and that I have quite a number of people to thank who have make this possible:

  • I would first and foremost like to thank my parents for, well, everything.
  • Thanks must also go out to my grandparents for support among other things.
  • Profuse thanks and applause to my science-fair adviser of two years, Mrs. Patricia Wee, whose amazing encouragement and influence have been of more help to me than I could possibly imagine, I am sure.
  • Thanks also go out to Mr. Larry Hess, science department head at my high school, whose support and encouragement have also led my ideas to become realized through my science fair projects.
  • I would like to thank Mr. Wilmer Nolt, whose seemingly endless energy and encouragement have also served as an inspiration to me and allowed me to make my projects a reality.
  • I would be remiss if I were not to acknowledge the help of Colleen LeFevre, whose insight and ideas have helped to direct me in my studies of electroosmosis.

Additional thanks to (in no particular order):

Wendy Zwally; Mr. James Collier; Mr. Bruce Lasala; Mr. Wayne Boggs; Mr. Michael Vavreck; Mr. Pat Ross; Mrs. Tamme Westbrooks; Mr. Michael Eyster; Mrs. Filitea Dean; The numerous teachers who have had enough foresight and understanding to allow classes to be missed “in the name of science”; Numerous colleages/classmates, especially fellow independent science “associates”; Science surplus catalogs; A hearty thanks to velcro, foam-board, double-stick tape, and formica.

Kinetics Study of Friedel-Crafts Reactions Using NMR Techniques (PDF)

Kinetics Study of Friedel-Crafts Reactions Using NMR Techniques (PDF)

If on a winter’s night a traveler by Italo Calvino (an Analysis)


In literature, there exists a danger, or so Italo Calvino believes; that danger, he believes, is of overanalyzing works and in doing so, destroying the enjoyment of reading. In his novel If on a winter’s night a traveler, Calvino attempts to shift the focus of the reader from the words in his novel and other novels that speak about life to the life that those words show; he tries to alert the reader to the dangers of unrestrained academic analysis while also exposing the reader to this threatened form of entertainment in order to save the pleasure of reading from being destroyed. Calvino is able to accomplish this through the versatility of style which he displays, the way in which he establishes characterization, and the way in which he describes setting.

(Read the whole thing [PDF])

Establishing a Correlation Between Texture and the Efficacy of Electroosmosis in Effecting the Removal of Organic Contaminants from Soil


The purpose of this experiment was to determine whether texture plays a significant role in determining the efficacy of electroosmosis in effecting the removal of organic, water-soluble contaminants from soil. Soil samples were collected which provided a wide assortment of attributes for a basis of comparison and analysis. The soil samples were oven-dried to assure the equal saturation of all the soil samples by equal concentrations of tannic acid.

A test chamber was constructed from a fluorescent tube protective cover and the end contacts of a fluorescent lamp. Three holes equidistant from one another were drilled in the tube in order to allow a measurement of tannic acid at regular intervals along the chamber. The test solution of tannic acid was 100 mg/L.

Each sample was saturated with tannic acid solution to the point that all pores were occupied. The test chamber was then filled with the saturated soil and the end caps sealed. An initial sample was taken from the test chamber in order to substantiate the initial concentration. A direct current of eight volts was then applied to the test chamber across the end contacts by means of a power supply. Every two hours for a total of six hours water samples were taken from each of the testing ports by means of pipettes. Each water sample was tested for tannic acid concentration.

The data collected show a tentative relationship of texture to electroosmotic efficacy and a distinct correlation between pore space and electroosmotic efficacy.



Electroosmosis is a term applied to the process in which a liquid containing ions moves relative to a charged stationary surface . The phenomenon of electroosmosis has been applied in numerous ways, including as a means of dewatering soils for construction purposes and dewatering mine tailings and waste sludges. Recently, electroosmosis has been investigated as a potentially valuable in situ (i.e., on-site) method of purging contaminants from soil. In this respect, electroosmosis operates by causing an effluent (water) to move relative to a stationary charged surface, which is in this case the collective capillary pores of the soil. Another element of electroosmosis is the migration of the contaminant particles themselves relative to the liquid and the soil profile. This specific element is sometimes called electromigration and viewed separately from electroosmosis, although the two processes cannot be separated from one another due to the nature of their operation.

diagram of electroosmosis

Electroosmosis research has been largely limited to the laboratory, and only in certain locations have large-scale experiments been conducted in a natural setting. The majority of [published] laboratory experiments concerning the remediary potential of electroosmosis has been limited to tests on kaolinite clay samples; one of the main goals of this project was to extend tests of electroosmosis past uniform samples to tests on soils of various texture. Although electroosmosis (in theory) should be more effective in soils with a lower hydraulic conductivity (i.e., soils with a greater percentage of micropores and that are more difficult to move water through by means of a pressure-driven device), this research sought to determine how great an effect texture has on the efficacy of electroosmosis by experimental means.

Soil Contamination and Remediation

As the technological level of our society continues to increase rapidly, the variety of new kinds of chemical wastes that we produce has also increased. As these chemical wastes continue to multiply and diversify, it is becoming more and more important that our methods of minimizing the impact of these wastes improve at the same rate. Although one important step in this process is the minimizing of the production of such wastes, some chemical by-products are inevitably produced and some inevitably escape into the environment. Most cases of direct contamination of the environment by chemicals include contamination of the soil. To worsen matters, soil is, in one way or another, of great importance to every plant and animal on this planet. When contaminated, soil can also serve as a means of spreading contamination throughout the environment. It is for these reasons that it is important that effective methods of remediating contaminated soil be developed.

An important aspect of the process of soil remediation is the ability to correctly recognize the dominant mechanism for the removal of the contaminants-that is, the method of soil remediation that can most effectively (both environmentally and economically) be used. In making this decision, it is necessary to take into account the nature of the contaminant itself, the characteristics of the soil, and the characteristics of the various methods of remediation. The main goal of this research was to determine whether or not texture should be a factor in considering the use of electroosmosis as a method of soil remediation.

Optimal remediation of contaminated soil also demands that unnatural (or extreme quantities of natural toxins) be removed effectively with minimal processing or alteration of the natural chemistry and morphology of the soil and surrounding environment. The investigation of new technologies and methods of remediation is necessary to attain these goals. Additionally, demonstration of the relationships of efficacy to the variables present in both soil and the contaminant will be required.

Soil Contaminants

In this research the contaminant chosen was tannic acid mainly because it is structurally similar to a widespread group of organic, water-soluble contaminants known as the aromatics. Organic contaminants are more difficult to remove by electrokinetic means than metallic compounds, namely due to the fact that they have a low polarity. However, electroosmosis has still been demonstrated to be a potentially valuable method of effecting the removal of such aromatics due to the migration coefficient of the effluent.

Soil Contaminants: The Aromatics

Aromatics are some of the most important organic chemicals both in industrial processes and to the consumer. The principal members of this group are toluene, benzene, and xylene, which are liquid hydrocarbons that yield a number of derivatives and combine with other organic chemicals to produce compounds such as styrene (which is a product of benzene, a member of the aromatics, and ethylene). One of the compounds that aromatics makes possible is motor gasoline. Benzene is used primarily to produce intermediate chemicals such as styrene, cumene, and cyclohexane, which are then used in industrial processes to produce polystyrene, phenol, and nylon. Mixed xylenes are utilized in many industrial processes as well, both as solvents and as chemical intermediates to produce a number of plastics, resins, and synthetic fibers. Additional products of the aromatics are synthetic rubber, detergents, latex, and polyurethanes. It is this wide variety of uses and applications that makes the aromatics particularly ubiquitous, both in industry and household, and therefore, common contaminants of soil. This fact, coupled with the potential hazard of these chemicals, makes it even more important that we develop effective methods of dealing with such chemicals.

Advantages of Electroosmosis over Conventional Methods of Soil Remediation

In situ methods of soil remediation such as electroosmosis hold obvious advantages over more conventional methods which can involve physically removing or greatly disturbing a large portion of the contaminated soil. Although the addition of pure water to an ecosystem can in itself be disturbing in some cases, electroosmosis is much less destructive to the natural environment than conventional methods which use pressure-driven water flow to remove contaminants. Because electroosmosis operates on a particle level rather than on a macro level, it has virtually no impact on the structure of the soil.

Many contaminants tend to “stick” to soil particles by the process of adsorption. For this reason, even conventional, pressure-driven methods of soil remediation can only remove a fraction of the initial amount of contaminant. Electroosmosis, by operating on a particle level, is able to overcome this limitation to a certain extent. Remediation by electroosmosis is dependent upon the level of adsorption of the contaminant and the nature of the soil itself.

An additional benefit of electroosmosis over conventional methods of soil remediation is the fact that electroosmosis overcomes macropore flow, the tendency of water that is applied to soil faster than it can be absorbed and dispersed to move into and through the soil profile mainly through the macropores, bypassing the micropores. This preferential flow, depending upon the particular soil (sandy soils have more macropores, clayey soils have more micropores), means that conventional methods of soil remediation leave a considerable amount of the contaminant behind after treatment.

For these reasons, a deeper exploration of the relationships that affect the efficacy of electroosmosis are important if we wish to most effectively deal with contamination of soil.



Soil samples with a wide range of attributes for a basis of comparison and analysis of trends were gathered were oven dried to a constant mass (to assure that all moisture was evaporated in the process). Tannic acid solution was prepared by dissolving tannic acid (VWR Sargent Welch; Buffalo Grove, IL) in distilled water to a concentration of 100 mg/L.

The end contacts of a fluorescent lamp were used to construct the anode and cathode of the test chamber. To prepare the anode, two holes were drilled in a circular metal slug from an electrical box. A rubber washer was placed over the filament wires and the wires were threaded through the holes in the metal slug. The end contact, the rubber washer, and the metal slug were fastened together with epoxy glue. Care was taken to keep the ends of the filament wires and the exposed surface of the metal slug free of glue. The filament wires were soldered to the exposed surface of the slug. The end contact of the fluorescent lamp was fastened in the end cap of a fluorescent tube protective cover with epoxy glue. This process was repeated to prepare the cathode for the testing chamber. A clear, plastic fluorescent tube protective cover was cut to a length such that distance from contact to contact would be thirty centimeters. One hole was drilled at the center of the tube (138 mm from both ends of the tube), and two more holes were drilled at 76 mm on either side of the first hole, the total length of the tube being 276 mm.

Soil Analysis

Determining Texture

Fifteen milliliters of a soil sample were added to one 50 mL soil separation tube. The tube was tapped firmly on a hard surface to eliminate air spaces. One milliliter of Texture Dispersing Reagent (LaMotte; Chestertown, MD) was added to the tube, and the sample was then diluted to 45 mL with water. The tube was capped and shaken for two minutes, and then allowed to settle for 30 seconds. The solution from the tube was poured into another tube and allowed to settle for 30 minutes. The amount of sediment in the first tube was divided by the initial amount of soil (15 mL) to calculate the percentage of sand in the soil. The amount of sediment in the second tube was then divided by the initial amount of soil (15 mL) to calculate the percentage of silt in the soil. The percentage of clay in the sample was calculated by subtracting the sum of the other two percentages from 100 %. This was done to obtain a more accurate reading of clay percentage than the measurement of the volume of clay, as the colloidal nature of clay causes it to swell in water. This procedure was repeated for each soil sample. To determine the texture grouping, a soil texture triangle was used, although it was the specific fractions (of mineralogical size group) that were used to sort the data.

Determining Percent Organic Matter

A crucible was weighed, a small amount of an oven-dried soil sample was added, and the crucible was weighed again, to obtain the mass of the soil. The crucible and the soil were heated over a Bunsen burner for one hour. After cooling, the crucible and soil were weighed again and the change in mass calculated. This process was repeated until two consecutive equal readings of mass were obtained. In this procedure, the values obtained for organic matter are not precise, but approximate, as all weight loss upon ignition of the soil samples is assumed to be due to loss of organic matter. The following reaction is that which occurs in this process:

C6H12O6 (O.M.) + 6O2 + heat -> 6CO2 + 6 H2O

(Where O.M. is organic matter)

Determining Percent Pore Space

A known volume of water was added to a known volume of oven-dried soil. The total volume was then recorded. From this, the percentage pore space was calculated using the following formula:

(((VW + VS) – VT)/(VS)) * 100

where VW is the volume of the water, VS is the volume of the soil, and VT is the total volume of the combined water and soil

Determining Densities

The bulk density of each soil sample was calculated as the weight of a known volume of the oven-dried sample. The particle density was then calculated by the following formula:

(M)/(SS* V)

where SS is percent particle space, or ((100 % – % pore space)/(100)), M is mass, and V is volume

Testing Samples

An oven-dried soil sample was saturated with the tannic acid solution so that all pore space was occupied by the solution. One end cap of the test chamber was fastened in place with electrical tape and the testing ports were sealed with tape to prevent leakage of soil or water prior to testing. The soil was added to the tube and the other end cap positioned and fastened in place with electrical tape.

An initial sampling of water was taken prior to the application of electricity in order to establish the initial concentration of tannic acid in the event that it was changed by factors influenced by soil variables.

basic soil tube setup

A direct current of eight volts was then applied to the soil in the test chamber across the end contacts. Every two hours for a total of six hours water samples were taken from each of the testing ports by means of pipettes and tested for tannic acid concentration.

measuring concentration of tannic acid

Quantitative comparison of tannic acid was made of 0.5 mL samples of water from each testing port (diluted to 5 mL with deionoized water). One drop of TanniVer 3 Tannin-Lignin Reagent (Hach; Loveland, CO) and one milliliter of a sodium carbonate solution (Hach) were added to each of the three test tubes and each tube was gently swirled to thoroughly mix the solution. Color development in each of the tubes was recorded after 25 minutes via a color comparator (Hach).


There are many factors that are known to have an important role in determining the efficacy of electrokinetic methods of soil remediation such as electroosmosis. The charge, solubility, and level of adsorption of both the contaminant and the soil are known to have a certain degree of influence on the efficacy of electroosmotic-related mechanisms in effecting removal of contaminants. The main purpose of this research was to establish whether texture plays a role in determining the efficacy of electroosmosis in removing organic, water-soluble contaminants.

The variables involved in this research are soil texture, organic matter, pore space, and particle density. Initially, the change in concentration of the contaminant at testing ports one and three was used to attempt to establish any relationships that might exist. However, an increase in concentration at port three did not consistently correspond to a decrease in concentration at port one. An attempt was then made to determine which sets of data were more consistent, based on the average skewness and standard deviation of the data points for each set of data (the data for port three being one set and the data for port one being the other set). From this, it was determined that the set of data with the most consistency was the set of data for port three, so it was that set of data which was used as a base for a comparison of the relative strengths of relationships established.

In an attempt to establish which variable was the dominant factor in determining the efficacy of electroosmosis in effecting the removal of organic, water-soluble contaminants from soil, each variable was systematically assumed to be the independent variable. Once making this assumption, it was possible to plot the data against percent concentration change. With the data plotted, trend analyses were made based on the graphs, and the existence of a definite relationship was either supported or refuted. This was done for each of the soil variables, and then the correlations for each variable were compared in order to establish which variable could be most strongly related to electroosmotic efficacy. For the purposes of graphing, “electroosmotic efficacy” was determined by the percent change in concentration of the contaminant over the time elapsed in the experiment. The larger the percent change in concentration (in this case, the percent change being an increase), the greater the efficacy of the electroosmotic effect.

All variables showed a tentative relationship to electroosmotic efficacy; however, some of the correlations were more distinct than others. The strength of the correlations was determined based on the r2 value for the relationships, and the nature of the relationships was determined from the Pearson’s correlation coefficient and a graphical analysis of the data. The weakest correlation was found to be between particle density and electroosmotic efficacy (r2 = 0.0246). A correlation between organic matter and electroosmotic efficacy was found to be not much greater (r2 = 0.0311). Pore space was found to be more closely related to electroosmotic efficacy, with an r2 value of 0.0810; the Pearson’s correlation coefficient for this relationship was found to be -0.2846, indicating that increasing pore space might have a negative effect on electroosmotic efficacy (i.e., efficacy might degrease with an increase in pore space). Of all the variables, however, texture showed the greatest correlation to the electroosmotic efficacy with an r2 value of 0.1007. The texture categories used to calculate the correlation were based on the soil groups defined by the textural triangle. On the numerical scale used to determine this correlation, smaller numbers were used to indicate soils with greater portions of sand and lesser portions of silt and clay. The Pearson’s correlation coefficient for this relationship was -0.3174, a value that indicates a decreasing electroosmotic efficacy with increasing textural category number. From this, then, of all variables the greatest basis for a correlation is between soil texture and electroosmotic efficacy, that correlation being of decreasing efficacy corresponding to a decreasing portion of sand and increasing portions of silt and clay.

To substantiate this trend, analyses were made of correlations between individual size fractions and the electroosmotic efficacy (percentage clay, percentage silt, and percentage sand vs. efficacy comprising three separate sets of data). The Pearson’s correlation coefficient for the relationship of clay to efficacy was found to be -0.2219, indicating a decreasing efficacy with increasing clay percentage and supporting the correlation produced using textural categories based on the textural triangle. The Pearson’s correlation coefficient found between silt percentage and efficacy was -0.2027, indicating the same type of relationship and also corroborating the correlation established earlier. Finally, the Pearson’s correlation coefficient for the relationship of sand to efficacy was 0.2811, indicating increasing efficacy with increasing sand percentage, helping to further validate the initial textural relationship established. Pure mathematical percentages were not used as the primary method of comparing the efficacy of electroosmosis since it is the ratios of sand, silt, and clay that have the greatest impact on the properties of a soil.

The relationship of texture to electroosmotic efficacy established seems contradictory to the relationship established by theory of increasing efficacy to increasing, rather than decreasing, clay percentage. There are several possibilities why the data seem to indicate a relationship contradictory to theory. One possibility is that the relationship of texture to the efficacy of electroosmosis is closer to a parabolic relationship than a linear relationship; if this were the case, electroosmotic efficacy might increase approaching the “extremes” of the soil textural triangle (as clay, silt, or sand percentage approaches 100%).

Another possibility is that the time that was allowed in this research for the movement of the contaminant was not enough to compensate for differing rates and duration of electroosmosis among soil samples. It is possible that a soil with a high electroosmotic rate initially might only maintain that high rate of contaminant movement for a short amount of time, while another soil with a lower electroosmotic rate might be able to maintain that rate for a longer amount of time, resulting in a higher overall efficacy.

The purpose of this investigation was to establish whether or not texture does play a role in determining electroosmotic efficacy, and in that regard, this research has accomplished its goal. It is significant to note that the data produced by this research do support the existence of a correlation between texture and electroosmotic efficacy. Although the data contradict rather than support the relationship of texture to the efficacy of electroosmosis and are therefore not definitive in what they reveal, it is notable that the data do support a correlation which warrants further investigation.

In investigating the potential of electroosmosis as a valuable method of in-situ soil remediation, several factors should be considered in addition to the efficacy of electroosmosis. An investigation of the efficacy of electroosmosis versus conventional methods of soil remediation might help to determine the most applicable texture range of electroosmosis. Further tests including a wider array of soil samples might help to pinpoint a more precise relationship.

Additionally, as it is the goal of any method of soil remediation to cleanse the soil with the minimal amount of disturbance possible, another subject of future investigation should involve determining the effect of electroosmosis not only on the contaminant in the soil, but on other facets of the soil profile and environment. A study of how electroosmosis affects nutrients and how well various plants retain nutrients in their roots under the influence of electroosmosis could become important in determining if a contamination site is a likely candidate for the use of electroosmosis or not. Another aspect which may be important in determining the method of soil remediation in any particular instance is the fauna inhabiting the soil profile and how electroosmosis influences them. One valuable investigation of this subject might attempt to determine whether the electrical current used for electroosmosis interferes with electrical impulses in the bodies of simple organisms such as earthworms. All of these factors have the potential to influence a decision made as to the most effective method of soil remediation, and need to be seriously considered as such.


In conclusion, there appears to be a correlation between texture and the efficacy of electroosmosis in effecting the removal of organic, water-soluble contaminants from soil. In order to more clearly establish a trend, however, it is necessary to collect more data in order to smooth the curves of the data. Another trend which became made apparent through the data was that as pore space increases, electroosmotic efficacy decreases. It is significant that this trend is partially independent of texture.

Awards won by this project

Reserve Champion at Lancaster Science and Engineering Fair (March 1998)

Intel Science Talent Search Semifinalist (formerly Westinghouse STS)

Tapir QuickReference

Introduction to Tapirs

Something of great mystique and controversy, the life of the tapir has only recently been explored, and yet much remains unknown and disputed about the reclusive and secretive creature. The tapir is a rather peculiar mammal, being a relative of the horse and rhinoceros but more closely reminiscent of a pig. Contrary to stereotypical images that may be assigned to it because of its pig-like appearance, however, the tapir is a strong and agile runner, an excellent climber, and an even better swimmer. Tapirs have excellent senses of hearing and sight and rely heavily on them in their forest habitat. Like the horse and rhinoceros, the tapir has three toes on its back feet and four toes on its front feet, with the toes on each foot splayed and capped with a hoof. And like the rhinoceros, the tapir has thick, hard, tough skin. Unlike the horse or rhinoceros, however, the tapir has its upper lip and nose lengthened into a short, flexible, prehensile proboscis which is covered at its tip with sensory vibrissae. Because of its seclusion in the tropical rain forests as well as mountains and because of its stealthy and surreptitious nature, it went largely unnoticed up until the first part of the nineteenth century.

Differences Among Tapir Species

Today only four species of tapirs remain: the woolly mountain tapir, the Brazilian tapir and [the] Baird’s tapir, which all live in the Americas, and the Malayan tapir, which lives on the Malayan peninsula. Among the four species there are differences in coloration as well as slight variations in body structure, but many more similarities exist between the species than differences. Focusing first on the differences: whereas any individual tapir can be larger or smaller than any other tapir, the Malayan tapir is generally larger than Baird’s tapir, which is generally larger than the Brazilian tapir, which is generally larger than the woolly mountain tapir. Depending upon its species and gender (female tapirs are larger), an adult tapir can be anywhere from six to eight feet long, stand three to four feet at the shoulder and weigh 350 to 800 pounds. All tapirs’ bodies are covered with fur but the woolly mountain tapir differs from the other three species in that it has longer fur that is about one inch long. This adaptation keeps it warm even at the high altitudes at which it dwells.

Habitat Preferences

However, despite such species differences, all tapirs prefer the same basic habitat. While tapirs will tolerate relatively dry forest, on the whole they prefer relatively tropical and wet or at least transitional forest. The Brazilian tapir prefers a temperature of around twenty-seven degrees Celsius and a relative humidity of seventy-five percent. The woolly mountain tapir generally lives at higher altitudes than the other tapirs and so is used to cooler temperatures, but still lives within the tropics and areas which receive much precipitation, as do the other tapirs. Another thing that tapirs share in common is their feet; all tapirs have four toes on each front foot and three toes on each back foot which are splayed and capped with hooves, allowing them to walk more easily on soft and muddy ground.


All tapirs take advantage of a type of camouflage called disruptive coloration for one point in their lives. Simply put, disruptive coloration breaks up the outline and distinctive shape of an animal’s body to make it less recognizable to predators. Two particularly good examples of the tapir’s disruptive coloration are the Malayan tapir and the baby tapir. In the daylight, the Malayan tapir looks as if a white saddle-blanket has been draped over its dark black body. It may seem as if the Malayan tapir’s “creative” coloration would be more of a detriment than a benefit, but it is quite effective in practice. The tapir is generally active in the twilight hours at dusk and dawn but not during the day. It is both because of this peculiar circadian rhythm of the tapir and its distinct body shape that this coloration, which would seem to make the tapir stand out, actually succeeds in giving the tapir a greater degree of protection. Baby tapirs are another good example as they are born with a pattern of whitish stripes and spots over their otherwise brownish coat of fur. After eight months, the tapir loses its stripes and dots to the standard coloration of its species. Of the four tapir species, the adult woolly mountain tapir is the only tapir to not take advantage of disruptive coloration. The woolly mountain tapir usually has a coat which is, depending up its locality, uniformly colored coal black to a reddish brown. The only deviation from its uniform coat is a thick line of white around its mouth that makes the tapir’s mouth look like a clown’s. The Brazilian tapir has a uniform coat which can range from tan to red to brown to black and has darker fur on its underside, cheeks, and legs and lighter fur around its throat and the edges of its ears. Oddly enough, there is general disagreement as to whether the Brazilian tapir has any sub-species. Because more color variation is found in the Brazilian tapir than in the other tapirs, some scientists speculate that the Brazilian tapir actually has several sub-species. The Baird’s tapir is usually colored gray to brown to black and has a patch of white on its throat, chest, and face, along with a distinct dark spot on each cheek, several inches below the eye. Generally, when combined with other observations, the coloration of a tapir can be used to fairly easily differentiate between species. In the end, though, identification is not the primary purpose of coloration but camouflage and added safety from predators.

Eating Habits

As in many other cases the tapir has found a way to get around the problems that it faces. First of all, it is very time and energy consuming for animals to make and maintain the large enzymes needed to break down the toxins found in the various plants that they feed upon. To get around this, tapirs have devised a quite clever and inventive solution. By nibbling on an incredibly wide variety of plants and not gorging on any single plant when they feed, tapirs minimize the effects of any one plant’s toxins. Using this method while they graze, tapirs have no need of any fancy or highly specific enzymes. The tapir is generally an herbivore, as the diet consists of fruits, leaves, stems, sprouts, small branches, grasses, tree bark, cane, melon, cocoa, rice, corn from plantations, and even aquatic plants, but the tapir will also eat aquatic organisms which it will even walk along the bottom of a stream or river for. Dispite this widely varying diet, the majority of the tapir’s diet consists of green shoots from common plants. As it is browsing, the tapir uses its proboscis to determine what smells “right” and sometimes uses it like an elephant does, to draw twigs and leaves into its mouth.

The Tapir’s Importance as a Seed-Disperser

Because of its feeding habits, the tapir is also an integral part of its ecosystem. The tapir is a vital seed disperser, and these seeds are what keep the tapir’s habitat healthy, actually preventing the ecosystem from deteriorating. It was only recently that the tapir’s role in dispersing seeds was realized. Despite this, all tapirs are endangered and may become extinct before we get a chance to fully realize their importance. The woolly mountain tapir is the most endangered of all tapirs as only 1,000 and 2,500 remain. According to some estimates, it may become extinct in only five years. Currently, the woolly mountain tapir is the least studied of all the tapirs, yet it may disappear before we have a chance to fully understand or appreciate its importance in its forest environment.

Reproduction and Young

It is not completely agreed whether tapirs mate for life, but most sources do agree that they are generally solitary animals excluding the mating “season”. During the mating seasons, which there is no set time for, tapirs attract mates through a series of squealing and clicking calls. Estrus occurs in the females at intervals of 50 to 80 days and lasts only two days. When they mate, tapirs seem just as comfortable mating in a stream or river as on land. After mating, the mates do not stay together long. Females may go eleven to fifteen months before giving birth. Twins are uncommon. After the baby is born, the mother will nurse and care for it for only six to eight months, by which time the youngster will have been weaned and the mother will have stopped producing milk. As mentioned earlier, baby tapirs are not born with the coloration of their parent but with a pattern of white stripes and spots which eventually fade into their species’ coloration. Solid food becomes part of the young tapir’s diet after only a few weeks. At eighteen months, a young tapir’s growth is completed and females reach their sexual maturity at only twenty-three months. At the other extreme, the oldest known breeding individual was a captive female of twenty-eight years. As with any other organism, tapirs eventually die. Captive tapirs have been known to live for up to thirty-five years, although it is estimated that the average age in the wild is about thirty years. Both the long gestation period and the fact that usually only one young is born that make the tapir’s population more easily depleted by poachers than other animals which bear more young more often, such as rabbits. Research indicates that for a population of tapirs to sustain itself, it should consist of at least 1,000 individuals in a contiguous sector with an intact ecosystem, but many tapir populations are fragmented into separate “pockets” of less than 1,000, suggesting that the tapir is in dire need of human assistance if it is to survive.

Circadian Rhythm

Tapirs begin their “day” by coming out of hiding at or slightly after dusk to forage for food and swim. After feeding and possibly bathing, they will often go to sleep and doze through the middle of the night only to wake up before dawn to feed and bathe again. During the day tapirs usually remain “in hiding.” Tapirs obviously do not always follow this circadian rhythm exactly and may even be active during the day or middle of the night, but they normally adhere to it fairly closely. Being excellent swimmers, tapirs spend much of their time in the water. Tapirs also take regular, if not daily, waterbaths and mudbaths which serve to rid their skin of parasites. Unlike many other animals which follow regular “game trails” in their daily movements, tapirs often do not follow a beaten trail and simply blaze their way through the forest with their head down.


Not much is known about the territoriality any species of tapirs, but it is thought that they have slightly overlapping ranges. Males urinate at particular spots, presumably as a way to communicate with conspecifics. Males may also possess a facial gland that they use to scent mark, but this is not known with certainty. Although its function has not been determined, tapirs have the odd habit of defecating in streams or rivers. There may be as many as ten distinct vocalizations that tapirs use to communicate with one another. One definite vocalization that has been observed is a “click” which may be used to identify conspecifics. Tapirs also use a shrill call to signal fear, pain, and appeasement. A “snort” is used to signify aggression. Overall, though, while certain vocalizations have been observed by those studying tapirs, their meanings are not decidedly clear.

Defense Adaptations

The only creatures that tapirs need fear are jaguars, leopards, tigers, crocodilians, and humans. On the Malayan peninsula, leopards and tigers assume the role of natural predator, while in Central and South America jaguars and crocodilians assume the role. In any case, if a tapir has access to water when confronted by a predator, it can make a good escape. In many cases, though, tapirs can deter predators with their thick hide and by snapping and kicking. Despite their seemingly peaceful demeanor, tapirs have powerful jaws that present a formidable threat. Because of their size and strength, a kick from a tapir can also present a threat considerable enough to turn away a predator. If a predator is willing to still try to kill a tapir, it also has the tapir’s thick, tough hide to deal with. When confronted by poachers with dogs and no easy escape, a tapir can even seize a dog in its teeth and shake it furiously. The Brazilian tapir goes to even further lengths to deter predators, as it sports a tall sagittal crest that runs from its neck to its mid-back and offers additional protection against jaguars. It is not a tapir’s natural enemies which present it with the greatest threat but humans. Even easy access to water does not guarantee a tapir safety if confronted by poachers with guns, as is unfortunately often the case.

In Captivity

Tapirs are easily domesticated and when captured young, they quickly become docile. One source stated that tapirs do not show any response to kindness, and while not inclined to leave a comfortable shelter, will not show particular interest in any one person. Once domesticated the tapir is not apt to bite and a shrill hissing cry is the extent of its anger when hurt or teased. A tapir will even return after being set out into the forest once it is domesticated. Curiously enough, for reasons which are not apparent, in captivity the tapir has been noted for being a glutton, gorging itself on whatever it is given and as much as it is given, whether the same thing or not, a behavior which is in direct opposition to what is known about its feeding behavior in the wild. This discrepancy gives sufficient reason for any observations in captivity to be accepted as unreliable and possibly unrepresentative of tapirs’ behavior in the wild, making the study of tapirs even more difficult.


To conclude, tapirs represent amazing adaptations which in turn make them an essential part of their own environment. However, because of their quiet and secretive nature and their remote locality, tapirs have remained hidden and virtually unknown in human circles for thousands of years. Even today, little is known about the tapir or its environment. While the tapir’s unique adaptations have helped it to survive in its environment, as in many other cases, human activity and technology has led to the decline of the magnificent animal, and the tapir may disappear before its importance is fully understood. If more effort is not taken on the part of humans to study the tapir so as to be able to better protect it, the tapir may disappear forever into history and obscurity, further abetting the deterioration and destruction of the tropical rain forests in the process.

Establishing a Relationship of Texture to the Thermal Conductivity of Soil


The purpose of this experiment was to ascertain whether texture has a significant role in determining the thermal conductivity of soil. An attempt was made to collect samples which would be good representatives of each of the three soil textural classes. To eliminate moisture as a variable, all samples were oven-dried, and to eliminate color as a variable, all samples were heated from below.

A test chamber was constructed to keep the heating of the soil samples uniform by keeping the samples a constant distance from the heat lamp. Additionally, the test chamber’s sides were enclosed with aluminum sheets to minimize the influence of the air in the room on soil samples being tested.

Each sample was first placed in a freezer to lower its temperature and allow a greater increase in temperature to occur during heating. Exact starting and ending temperatures were not a concern, since it was the slope of the increase that was the focus of the investigation. The warming of each sample over the heat source was measured for twenty minutes, enough time to establish a distinct trend. Soil from each collection site was divided into two testing samples, which were each tested five times.

The data collected showed a direct relationship between thermal conductivity and texture as well as an indirect relationship through the variables influenced by texture, such as pore space and particle density. The direct relationship of texture to thermal conductivity shown was that as particle size decreased, thermal conductivity increased. The indirect relationship shown was that as particle density increases, thermal conductivity increases, and as pore space increases, thermal conductivity decreases. Another conclusion that can be drawn from the data is that in nature, it may ultimately be the water capacity of a soil (which is itself influenced by texture) which determines its thermal conductivity.


It is well-established that soil is, one way or another, of great importance to every living plant and animal on this planet. The purpose of this experiment was to ascertain whether texture has a significant role in determining the thermal conductivity of soil. If texture would significantly affect the thermal conductivity of soil, the fields of both engineering and agriculture would benefit.

The temperature of soil can either increase or decrease its usefulness to us. At lower soil temperatures, biological rates are much slower. At low enough temperatures, biological decomposition is at a near-standstill, thus limiting the rate at which valuable nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, and calcium are made available to plants. In Spring, nitrification does not begin until the soil temperature reaches around four and one-half degrees Celsius (40° F), although the process is accelerated to the most beneficial rates when the soil reaches around 27 to 32 degrees Celsius (80°-90° F). Additionally, plant processes, such as root growth or germination, do not occur until the soil reaches certain temperatures depending on the particular plant. Another plant process adversely affected by cold temperatures is the transport of nutrients and water. A better understanding of how different soils warm up would benefit agriculture by allowing for better planning of planting of crops.

In addition to agrarian applications of the textural relationship of thermal conductivity, there are many other applications as well. To reach the highest possible level of efficiency, geothermal heat pumps must be planned in accordance with soil temperature fluctuations. Even with just a general knowledge of thermal conductivity, the insulation of basement walls could be better planned for maximum efficiency.

Many factors influence the thermal conductivity of soil, however this experiment was designed to look solely at the effect of texture on thermal conductivity. The soil was oven-dried to eliminate water content as a variable, something that is known to dramatically influence the thermal conductivity. Pore space was a variable to some extent, however, since pore space is in part dependent on the texture of a soil, accounting for and factoring out pore space would, in essence, be the same as factoring out texture, the focus of this investigation. Because after each test, the soil samples were emptied from the test cylinder into sample bags to be refrigerated, the pore space (and other measurements derived from it, i.e. particle density) varied even with the same sample from test to test. However, pore space was measured in each soil sample so that the measurements could be taken into account (not factored out) when examining the results. Mineralogical composition was also a variable, but again, partly dependent on texture and therefore something that should not to be completely eliminated as a variable. Color was a variable which was also known to influence how much heat would be absorbed, and to eliminate it as a variable, all samples were heated from underneath. An additional test was performed to measure the percentages of organic matter in each sample to take into account its influence on the results of the experiment.


The purpose of this experiment was to ascertain whether texture has a significant role in determining the thermal conductivity of soil. A better understanding of how different soils warm up would benefit agriculture by allowing for better planning of planting of crops. However, in addition to agrarian applications of knowledge of the relationship of thermal conductivity to texture, there are many other applications as well. To reach the highest possible level of efficiency, geothermal heat pumps must be planned in accordance with soil temperature fluctuations. Also, even with merely a general knowledge of thermal conductivity, the insulation of basement walls could be better planned for maximum efficiency.


  1. Collect materials:
    • Soil
    • Sample Bags
    • Oven
    • Balance/Scale
    • Enclosed Aluminum Test Chamber
      • steel rods
      • four 30.5 cm x 61 cm aluminum sheets
      • 125 Watt Incandescent Heat Lamp
    • Aluminum (355 mL) soda cans
    • SensorNet Temperature Probe
    • SensorNet Software
    • Computer
  2. Make sure to get soil samples that are a good representation of each texture type. Number each sample according to location.
  3. Have the texture of each sample analyzed and analyzed and identified by soil scientists.
  4. Oven-dry soil at 121°C; check weight while drying until at least two successive readings are equal, signifying that all moisture has been evaporated (approx. 2½ hours).
  5. Prepare test cylinders by cutting off the tops of aluminum soda cans (355 mL) 1.5 cm from the top.
  6. Construct a test chamber 30.5 cm wide, 30.5 cm deep, and 61 cm high with steel rods; enclose sides with aluminum sheets to help minimize effect of room temperature on the sample being heated.
  7. Attach the heat-lamp to the bottom of the test chamber with bulb directed upward.
  8. Construct a ledge for the soil test cylinder 7.5 cm above the heat lamp.
  9. Place soil samples in freezer to lower their temperature. While they should be as close as possible to 0° C, the exact starting point for the experiment is not critical. Due to various factors, different samples, even though exposed to the same air temperatures for equal amounts of time, will not themselves chill to the same temperatures as one another. This is inconsequential since it is the rates of warming, not specific temperatures attained, that are the focus of this investigation.
  10. Remove a sample from the freezer.
  11. Place soil in test cylinder within 1 cm of the top and place the test cylinder in the test chamber.
  12. Place temperature probe 4.5 cm into the soil.
  13. Turn on heat lamp and begin recording temperature, setting the computer to take a reading once every second for twenty minutes, the time period necessary to establish the slope on a graph of time versus temperature.
  14. Freeze each individual sample again and test for a total of five times, each time placing the soil in the freezer before being tested again.
  15. After all runs are completed, test each sample for bulk density and particle density; To calculate bulk density, take a volume of soil and weigh, and divide the weight by the volume. Next, to calculate particle density, take that same volume of soil and add about twice as much water as the volume of the soil. Stir the soil around to allow the water to completely fill the pores, and then note the volume of the water and soil combined. To calculate particle density, then divide the weight of the soil by the volume of the solids (total volume of the soil minus the pore space).
  16. To calculate the organic matter, first weigh a small crucible and then add about 5 grams soil to it. Place crucible in a ring stand over a Bunsen burner and heat to a constant mass. Calculate the weight loss, and divide by the initial weight of the soil (not including the crucible) to determine the percentage of organic matter.


Many factors influence the thermal conductivity of soil, however this experiment was designed to look solely at the effect of texture on thermal conductivity. The soil was oven-dried to eliminate water content as a variable, something known to drastically influence the thermal conductivity of soil. Pore space was a variable to some extent, however since pore space is in part dependent on the texture of a soil, accounting for and factoring out pore space would in essence be the same as factoring out texture, defeating the whole purpose of this investigation. Additionally, because after each test the soil samples were emptied from the test cylinder into sample bags, pore space and other measurements derived from it varied from test to test with each of the samples. Mineralogical composition was a variable that could not be accounted for, but again, is partly dependent on texture and therefore something that should not be eliminated as a variable. One major variable was color, which was eliminated for testing by heating from below. To isolate the samples being tested from the influence of the room’s air temperature and currents, the sides of the test chamber were enclosed with aluminum sheets.

Although the samples were all refrigerated for the same amount of time, the temperatures they reached were often different, with samples one and eight consistently being coldest at the beginning of the tests. This difference can be attributed to differing thermal conductivities which allowed the cold air to migrate through the samples at different rates, although the conclusion that can be inferred by observing the starting temperatures of the various samples does not coincide with the one reached through testing.

Throughout testing, the slope of the data of each sample varied greatly from the lowest slope to the highest, and the slopes of different samples from the same site also differed from test to test. When a graph was made on with the texture of soil on the x axis and average slope on the y axis, a general trend of increasing thermal conductivity moving from left to right (from larger particle sizes to smaller particle sizes) was noted. A linear trendline was fitted to this graph, further demonstrating the trend.

Other graphs were also made in an attempt to determine if there was a stronger correlation between thermal conductivity and one of the variables that was accounted for but not eliminated. First, a graph was made with percent organic matter on the x axis and thermal conductivity on the y axis. On the basis of this graph, no correlation better than or equal to that between soil texture and thermal conductivity was discerned. Next, a graph was created which attempted to show if there was a strong correlation between percent pore space and thermal conductivity. A linear trendline was fitted to the data, showing a decrease in thermal conductivity as pore space increased. This seems contrapositive to the relationship already established by the data of decreasing particle size corresponding to increasing thermal conductivity. However, this actually strengthens the relationship by showing that the effect of texture itself on thermal conductivity to be stronger than the effect of pore space. Finally, a graph was created with particle density on the x axis and thermal conductivity on the y. This graph also showed some correlation between particle density and thermal conductivity, with an increase in thermal conductivity corresponding to an increase in particle density.

It was not expected that this investigation would produce completely conclusive or clear-cut results. Looking at the possible applications of the knowledge of a relationship of texture to the thermal conductivity of soil, an exact, precise formula representing this relationship would be just as useful as a general, comparative analysis, since in the field, there are many variations of soil even in the same field and in many cases on even a smaller scale. The data from this experiment establish a relationship of texture to thermal conductivity that is quite contrary to the rather well known but poorly documented fact that, in nature, coarser-grained textures (e.g., sand) have a higher thermal conductivity than finer-grained textures (e.g., clay). The relationship indicated by the data is that thermal conductivity increases as the texture size decreases. There may be several reasons for these contradictions. First, one major variable that was eliminated is water, something that drastically affects the thermal conductivity of soil in nature. Since it is extremely rare that there would be no moisture in a soil, it may ultimately be the water-holding capacity (which is itself influenced by texture) that outweighs all other variables and determines the true thermal conductivity of soil. The pore space of a soil is what determines how much liquid and gas a soil can hold; in the absence of liquid, the pore space cannot simply disappear. Because of this, we can conclude that it must then contain air, which would to some extent act to insulate the soil. Drawing from this, the results of the investigation still seem to be in contradiction with “common” knowledge, in fact, they seem even more contradictory. In nature, however, it may be the evaporative cooling due to the water that fills the pores that has a greater influence on the thermal conductivity of the soil than any other factors. The graph of thermal conductivity versus pore space supports this conclusion in that, as pore space increases, thermal conductivity decreases. While there is some crossing over of pore space between textural categories, texture does definitely influence pore space. We can from this conclude that it is ultimately the different factors such as pore space that directly determine thermal conductivity. Texture itself influences thermal conductivity only by how much it allows or facilitates those factors.

When looking at possible applications of differently textured soils on a basis of thermal conductivity, it should also be considered that other external variables, such as geography of the land and vegetative cover, might have a greater effect on the thermal conductivity of the soil than the texture itself or even the of the variables influenced by texture.


In conclusion, I have found that texture both directly and indirectly influences the thermal conductivity of soil. The direct relationship of texture to thermal conductivity is that as particle size decreases, thermal conductivity increases. Indirectly, texture affects thermal conductivity by influencing pore space and particle density, which both influence thermal conductivity. As pore space increases, thermal conductivity decreases, and as particle density increases, thermal conductivity increases. It should be noted that one variable that was completely eliminated, water, plays an important role in determining thermal conductivity of soil, and for this reason, the results of this investigation do not reflect “common knowledge” of how differently textured soils act in nature. Additionally, it is significant that this experiment showed that the thermal conductivity of any soil is a constant, and, with other factors such as color, slope, and moisture entered in, can be predicted with a great deal of accuracy.

Awards won by this project

March 13, 1997
First place in the Senior Earth & Environmental Science division of the Lancaster County Science & Engineering Fair
Environmental Science Award – from the Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society, which awarded one student in biology, chemistry, environmental science, psychology, and physics.
Certificate of Achievment for an outstanding project – from the United States Army, which awarded a total of 16 students in various categories.
Student Awards for Geoscience Excellence – from the Association for Women Geoscientists, which gave away one award.
Naval Science Award – from the United States Navy and Marine Core.

The competition…
At the fair, there were a total of 429 science projects, with ~40 being in the Earth and Environmental Science division

The Lubricating Effects of Electroosmosis on Drill Bits


The purpose of this project was to determine if applying negative potential to a drill bit used to drill concrete would significantly increase its drilling performance. Negative potential was required for a current to attempt to flow since the concrete samples were already positively charged by natural processes in the concrete.

A pulley was attached to the arm of the drill press to provide a constant and even application of force to the drill bit. The pulley was constructed by positioning a coffee can around the arm of the drill press and tying a weight to it with a long string wound around it. Uniform concrete test blocks were created by pouring concrete into Styrofoam cups.

For the trials with a negative potential applied to the drill bit, a wire was run from a power supply through a wire looped around the upper exposed end of drill bit. The drill press was insulated from the charge by wrapping emery paper around the part of the drill bit in the chuck. Each trial lasted exactly one minute. For the trials without a negative potential applied, the same procedure was used excluding the wire setup. In all of the trials, uniform concrete test blocks were drilled into.

After organizing the data it became apparent that the drill bit with negative potential applied did significantly better in drilling depth than the drill bit without the negative potential applied in almost every instance.


The purpose of this project was to determine if applying negative electrical potential to a drill bit would significantly increase drilling performance when used in drilling in concrete. Negative potential was required for a current to even attempt to flow, since the concrete samples are positively charged. My hypothesis is that electroosmosis will not significantly increase the drilling performance.


The purpose of this investigation was to determine if the lubricating effect of electroosmosis significantly increased average drilling performance. If there is a significant increase in the drilling depth attained in a standard length of time, then the use of electroosmosis on drill bits would present many benefits in drilling.


  1. Materials must be acquired:
    • Drill Press
    • 2 Masonry Drill Bits
    • 78 Uniform Concrete Drilling Samples
    • Force Applicator (Pulley)
      • Coffee Can
      • Cord
      • 10 lbs of weights
    • 12 volt power supply
    • Wires for connection
    • Copper Staff
    • Measuring Length
    • Emery Paper
  2. The concrete drilling samples were poured using a standard styrofoam coffee cup as the mold, and left to set for 22 days until up to strength.
  3. The drill press was prepared for drilling by setting up a coffee can as the force applicator. The can was secured to the arm of the drill press with duct tape. Weights were then attached to the cord which was wrapped around the coffee can several times to supply the constant downward force.
  4. A negative potential of 12 volts was applied to the drill bit by channeling electricity from the negative side of the power supply to the drill bit. The same drill bit was used 39 times, each time with the negative potential applied, and only for one minute, with a constant downward force of ten pounds.
  5. For the trials without negative potential applied to the drill bit, a new drill was used. The same drill bit was used for all of the trials without negative potential applied, each time only for one minute with a constant downward force of ten pounds.
  6. Measurements were taken. Each hole made in the concrete was measured in depth to the nearest 32nd of an inch by marking how far down the staff went and then measuring that length. All measurements were recorded and compared.


Here is the Concrete Mix Design That I Used

% in mix Weight in 1 cu. yard
rice (stone) 39.4 1600 lbs.
sand (natural) 37.6 1533 lbs.
cement 14.8 600 lbs.
water 8.2 333 lbs.


During testing the two bits seemed to vary in performance with no noticeable pattern other than a slight decrease, probably due to wear, in both. Once the data was organized in a table, a pattern of increased performance of the drill bit with the negative potential applied began to emerge. When graphed, the results were far more obvious. The results of this experiment stayed fairly consistent throughout all of the experimentation. While several times the results differed from the “normal” pattern, it was not made any more difficult to reach my conclusions.

It was possible to tell the increased performance of the drill bit with negative potential applied directly off the raw graph, but to better interpret the data, trendlines were used. A moving average trendline of two, three and ten were used. A moving average smoothes out fluctuations in data and shows patterns and trends more clearly. With a moving average of two, the drill bit without negative potential applied peaked above the other drill bit only three times. With a moving average of three and of ten the drill bit without negative potential applied did not peak above the other drill bit at all.

Five times on the same drill bit usage the drill bit without negative potential applied performed better in drilling on the same trial than the drill bit with negative potential applied. This can be attributed to a random event such as the drill bit striking a rock, giving each drill bit the same chances and not affecting the overall results. There are no results for trials one, two, and seven for the drill bit with negative potential applied because of a failure in the setup.


From the data that I have collected, I can conclude that electroosmosis, when applied to a drill bit drilling in concrete does significantly increase drilling performance. In almost every instance, the drill bit with a twelve volt negative potential applied to it drilled a deeper hole in one minute than the drill bit without a charge applied. Comparisons were made between equal numbers of times the drill bits were used. Therefore, I can confidently conclude that electroosmosis applied to a drill bit does significantly increase drilling performance in concrete.


Math, Irwin. Wires & Watts. New York City: Charles Schribner’s Sons, 1981.

Raloff, Janet. “Current Affairs: Managing water and pollutants in soil with electric currents.” Science News September 9, 1995:168,169.

Vogt, Gregory. Electricity and Magnetism. New York City: Franklin Watts, 1985.