Had marked this bit in the Guardian a while ago as a “read it later” article: Every Doctor Who villain since 1963 (part of the generally excellent DataBlog, which covers all manner of data and visualization [often UK-focused, but still broadly interesting] — and which frequently makes the data used for infographics publicly available through […]
Drink blood, control humans v. take brain, repair ship
Happy Holidays
…click through to Twenty Sided for a larger image and (ever-so-brief) background story. (As a side-note to this quick post: this is one of the many surprising, humorous, interesting things that Google Reader is kicking my way via the whole “Recommended items” feature, which is starting to churn up more and more things [and things […]
If plane tickets were a few hundred (or so) dollars cheaper, this would be completely worth the time and discomfort
Whoniversal Appeal: An Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Conference on Doctor Who, and its Spin-Offs 14-15 November, 2008 (via, of all places, Crooked Timber)
Trafficking in rumor and innuendo since 2008
This could be good, I think. Partly because it would be interesting to see Catherine Zeta-Jones in a different sort of role (time-travel is different, right?), but mostly because a movie with David Tennant would likely be excellent. But who knows. (WalesOnline: “Talk of Doctor Who Film Role for Zeta-Jones” [10 Sept 2008])